Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Are You Lukewarm? Will You Be Spewed From God’s Mouth?

I am especially sensitive to the times we’re living in, understanding that God is about to move in this earth in ways we have never seen before. But my heart’s concern is for those who are lukewarm.

Revelation 3:15-16 is clear God would rather we be hot or cold than lukewarm. To be hot is to be completely convinced about who God is, in all His glory, power, authority and love. To be cold is to reject God refusing to acknowledge Him on any level, preferring instead the allures of this world. To be hot is to be eternally minded. To be cold is to be temporal-minded.

In contrast, those who are lukewarm are a dangerous combination of both hot and cold. This person is neither convinced about God nor fully rejects God. About these, God says, He will spit (actually “vomit”) them from His mouth. James 1 explains how those who are double-minded are not stable, they lack faith and instead are led by doubt.

The Scriptures explain the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. God has made His desire for you plain. He wants you to be restored to Him by faith in His Son, Jesus, who was and is the supreme demonstration of God’s love for you.

We are living in days where God has made known the time of His visitation is upon us. He has revealed through His prophets that His just intervention will be enacted this year and indeed has already begun. With a heart of compassion for those of you who are lukewarm, I share what I received from the Lord in my time of prayer this morning:

Pamela, My daughter Pamela, Good morning, child. Welcome to My presence at any time. When you draw near to Me with a sincere heart, I am available to You any time. There are many of My children who seek Me, but not with sincere hearts. They are halfhearted and double-minded. Oh, how I long for them to realize their condition. I long to connect with all My children deeply and intimately without reservation or competing desires.

This is why, Pamela, these are epic times. I will not allow My loved ones to be deceived any longer. They are being positioned to see the truth and to choose—to make their genuine heart’s desires known—and then I will give them the desires of their hearts. This is why you pray for others—that they may see the truth and be set free.

Yes, I am in the process of violently revealing all manner of evil and wickedness, beginning in the church, for I will not be mocked nor allow My sheep to be led astray any longer. Decades of evil have been perpetrated, and My church has done precious little. If it were not for My remnant, it would be as in the days of Noah. But I have heard the cries of My remnant, and true to My Word, I am responding in this hour. Now is the time of My visitation. Now is the time of My judgment. Likewise, soon is the time of My reward in the land of the living.

Do not fear and encourage others likewise, for what I am doing will cause many to be shaken to their very core. This is necessary for them to be shocked out of their self-induced deceptions and realize spiritual truths to which they have chosen to remain ignorant. Yes, many are deceived, and My grace will be available for those. But people who have intentionally turned a blind eye to deliberately avoid truths before them will not receive the same grace. They must be confronted and given opportunity to choose. And also true to My Word, I will give them the desires of their heart.

It is necessary for this violent approach in this hour, to wake people up to Me—to the reality of My existence and be confronted with all I Am. I am the great I Am—the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. There is no shadow of turning in Me, ever. I am everlasting and all-knowing, all-powerful and omnipresent. I have provided the account of My Creation, Covenant and continued intervention in the affairs and hearts of My people through My written Word, which has more power and meaning today than in any time past. I have provided revelation of the future and am speaking through all My prophets—prophets of long ago and prophets of today.

Tell My people to take heed to My Word, for My Word is the only sustaining influence available. All else will fail you. Tell My people to prepare for the worst of times with faith that I will protect them in and through all you see Me do in these days. Consider My people during the days of My judgment upon Pharaoh through My servant Moses and how the many plagues and pestilences I sent did not harm My people who remained in Me—who remained connected with Me in prayer and communion, who obeyed My word to act as I instructed for their own protection. My people must learn from this and respond in like manner, this very day. Press in to know My instruction for your protection.

Receive the words from My prophets this day. Rely upon My indwelling Holy Spirit to help you discern the truth from what is claimed, and to recognize the true from the profane. Draw near to Me with clean hands and a pure heart, confident in who I am and all I have promised, and you and your household will be safe and even prosper in these days of My visitation.

I share this with you for your sake, so you may respond to God’s gracious and loving advance invitation to draw near to Him, to belong to Him and be in His love and protection, not only in this unprecedented hour, but for all eternity.

This post is one example of my heart and God’s calling on my life to reach as many people with the truth of God, the redemption available through faith in Christ and the eternal security and power available to God’s people by His Holy Spirit. To read and learn more about my dedication to you in helping you discover and live in life-giving truth, please listen to my podcast and look through my multi award-winning Faith to Live By book series. {eoa}

Pamela Christian is an award-winning author, speaker and media host. An ordained international minister, she holds an honorary doctorate of divinity from HSBN International School of Ministry and is certified in apologetics from Biola University. She is a member of the Bethel Leaders Network and hosts the podcast Faith to Live By on the Charisma Podcast Network. To learn more, visit

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