Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Charisma Highlights: Prophecy: Chris Reed Reveals 15 Prophecies for 2022 and Beyond

Following are snippets of the top stories posted this week on We encourage you to visit the links to read the stories in full.

Note: These prophecies were given at MorningStar Fellowship Church Fort Mill on Jan. 2, 2022, during the 11:00 a.m. service.

The Lord has shown me some things in the Spirit that we need to pray into regarding what is likely to happen in the coming season.

I am not saying all these things will happen by the end of 2022, but I do believe they are coming, and I am asking you to pray.

While the world is focused on the war in Ukraine, I look for ways to provide eyewitness reports for Charisma readers. So, when I got a text a few days ago from my longtime friend Mike Evans, who had just returned from Ukraine, I asked to interview him for a recent episode of my Strang Report podcast.

I was astounded by what I learned and want to share it here.

In case you don’t know, Evans is a bestselling author and longtime advocate of Israel. His interesting career has had him rub elbows with world leaders like Benjamin Netanyahu and Donald Trump. I’ve known Evans since the 1970s, and I like to call him “a force of nature.” His many accomplishments garnered him a recent nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize, the first Pentecostal I’m aware of receiving this honor.

Not many outside Canada may be aware, but Pastor Artur Pawlowski, who has been waging spiritual war against the demonic elements in the Canadian government and has been imprisoned for it, is once again behind bars and has been in solitary confinement for nearly six weeks, his son, Nathaniel, told Flashpoint last week.

Nathaniel Pawlowski says his father’s stay in solitary is “unprecedented” and this “has never before happened to a pastor in what is supposed to be a free and democratic society.” But, he says, his father is in great spirits, is doing the work of the Lord in prison and is continuing to fight the good fight to which he has been assigned.

The younger Pawlowski said his father was arrested and jailed in early February for preaching to truckers in a 20-minute speech at the Alberta-Montana border of the United States. The truckers had formed a blockade similar to that of the Freedom Convoy in Quebec in February. Artur Pawlowski was charged with mischief—which carried a $5,000 fine—as well as aiding and abetting the blockade of the critical infrastructure of Canada and breaching one of his bail conditions from a previous arrest for allegedly not keeping the peace.

Very few people have gotten to the place of total transformation, perhaps because there aren’t many willing to pay the price. But before the Lord takes me home, I want to get there.

A young pastor from Nigeria once asked me a powerful question. He said, “Is it possible to become one with God, and have you known people who were one with God?” I told him that of course it’s possible because that was the prayer of the Lord in John Chapter 17.

“Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; that they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me” (John 17:20–21, KJV).

New York Times bestselling author Jonathan Cahn’s book The Harbinger II: The Return revealed the ancient template behind the turbulent events that rocked the world in 2020 and which continue to shake the institutions, governmental structures and social norms Americans took for granted.

Now, as America struggles to return back to what many consider “normal,” Cahn —author of The Harbinger, The Harbinger II—The Return, The Oracle, The Book of Mysteries and other critically acclaimed books—is set to unveil The Harbingers of Things to Come. This riveting feature documentary based on Jonathan Cahn’s bestselling and brilliant successes with The Harbinger series reveals the ancient mysteries that lie behind what is happening in America and the world today—and in the future.

In the groundbreaking documentary, Cahn opens an ancient template that begins in the writings of the prophet Isaiah and is repeated throughout the Bible. The span of years revealed in the template is that of 19 years from the time of an enemy attack on the land to the coming of greater shakings. In the case of America, the enemy attack came on Sept. 11, 2001. Starting from 9/11, the mystery points to the year 2020 as the 19th year, and the year that shakings will come to America. Cahn uses the template of ancient prophecies to reveal the meaning and timing of current events as well as to provide a glimpse and warning of things yet to come. {eoa}

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