Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Warning! Your Government May Think You’re a Terrorist

Jesus said, “Let your answer be simply ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ Any other answer is rooted in evil” (Matt. 5:37).

Clarity and agreement are principles of the kingdom of God. We, as ambassadors, should be influencing our nation in such a way that clarifies and agrees with government and legislation, for obscure laws are enforced obscurely. Doesn’t it seem that our national leadership has not been operating under these principles in recent years? Day by day, we see vague instructions and unjustifiable orders being used to silence a dissenting opposition.

We see this, case and point, from a bulletin that the Department of Homeland Security recently posted. DHS has released a National Terrorism Advisory System bulletin stating, “The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis-, dis-, and mal-information (MDM).” They describe this MDM as “Widespread online proliferation of false or misleading narratives regarding unsubstantiated widespread election fraud and COVID-19. Grievances associated with these themes inspired violent extremist attacks during 2021.” They then list two other forms of misinformation that lead to a direct call to foreign and domestic violence.

The way this bulletin is worded may seem subtle to those who haven’t paid any attention to our country’s direction, but the obscurity is speaking loud and clear. The priority of certain government agencies is to villainize any voices that question our elections’ validity or the decisions they make concerning COVID-19. However, some of these decisions about COVID-19 were the same actions that raised eyebrows concerning the election. What is the point of having elections if the system isn’t held accountable by the very people who vote? And how can voters hold elections accountable if the electors deem opposing voters as people whose information promotes violent extremism?

DHS is referring to recent instances like the Waukesha Christmas parade tragedy where Darrell Brooks drove an SUV through a parade, killing and injuring adults and children. The majority of the media blamed it on the SUV. Or when Malik Faisal Akram held four hostages in a Texas synagogue at gunpoint. The media tried to brush over the fact that he was a Muslim extremist and was referred to a British program designed to prevent and counter-extremism. It seems this bulletin is suggesting that events like these are taking place because concerned citizens believe that the 2020 election was rigged.

What greater power do we have to protect ourselves from tyranny than the Constitution, specifically the First Amendment, and who gets to decide what information is legal or not? If we don’t have free speech, are we not just like China and Russia? Would we become like the Minority Report film where agents predict that a crime will take place before it ever does and arrest the person who hasn’t decided to commit a crime yet? Or will you be charged because you said something that was a harmless concern, and someone else took that information and violently attacked a politician over it?

We must voice our concerns when we see the government making rules and statements that are not explicitly targeting actual crime, especially the church. If we allow them to encroach upon our rights to free speech, it won’t be long before your pastor is taken away in handcuffs during the middle of your service.

Cancel culture, which has seamlessly made its way into the highest places of our government, would love to deem you a terrorist for not complying with COVID mandates. Italy has already had a case where a judge took away custody rights from parents who wouldn’t let a hospital give their small child a blood transfusion with vaccinated blood.

This bulletin list how DHS plans to counter these “misleading narratives,” which includes creating a dedicated domestic terrorism branch that will “produce the sound, timely intelligence needed to counter [your] related threats.” {eoa}

Pastor Randy Rice has been in pastoral ministry for over 30 years in the greater Cincinnati area and has served as the founding senior pastor of LifeChurch West Chester for the past 16 years. In 2018, Pastor Curtis Hill joined him as an associate pastor, and the two have since established a relationship as apostle and prophet to the body of Christ in their local church and region. Together they have authored two devotional books and seen hundreds of people saved, baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit. The two host the Prophetic Pulse podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network.

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