Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Deliverance Minister: How You Can Pray With Peace in Your Heart in These End Times

How do we pray when there is so much going on in the world? The Bible speaks of wars and plagues. Our natural reaction would be to pray against it.

Are there specific prayer points we should be targeting? We are in the end times and some believe the last of the last days. Can we stop wars, pandemics and other things that are according to Bible prophecy? What authority do we have against these things when the Bible clearly states we have authority over all things? What do all things include and how should we pray?

The Bible says, “For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled. For all these things must happen, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines, epidemics, and earthquakes in various places” (Matt. 24:5-7, MEV). The Bible clearly states what we are experiencing will happen. Can we pray against that which will occur and command it to stop?

My husband was awakened the other night at 3 a.m. to pray. Three o’clock in the morning is a spiritual warfare hour in which the Lord will awaken us to pray against evil powers. My husband started praying for the natural things he knew needed to be prayed for when the Spirit of the Lord came upon him and said, “Pray the Lord’s prayer.”

As my husband was praying out repeatedly the Lord’s prayer, the verse, “Your kingdom come; Your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven” (Matt. 6:10) caught his attention. He then heard the Spirit of the Lord say, “Pray My kingdom come; My will be done.” I teach on declaring prayer and even though we have authority to decree and declare, I think praying and adding God’s will be done in powerful.

When COVID began, I never heard the Lord say, “Pray for COVID to stop.” I did hear the Lord say, “Pray to bind and restrict a principality of fear over the earth.” I heard the Lord clearly say to help people through fear. Charisma Media worked with me and within 24 hours, we had a free e-course, which is still available today, on How to Conquer Fear. I did pray and see many people supernaturally healed of COVID. However, the prayer target I was assigned to as a deliverance minister was to attack the spirit of fear in operation.

Once again, we are faced with Bible prophecy and rumors of war. How do we pray? Do we pray to stop the war? As we are in the end times, I believe we need to pray strategically, led by the Spirit of God and for His will to be done. I was thinking, how do we pray when we don’t know the heart of the situation? Therefore, I came up with these prayer points for end-time prayer strategies.

– Pray for God’s will to manifest on the earth.

– Pray for souls to come into the kingdom of God.

– Pray for the shalom peace for people and children.

– Pray to bind and restrict a spirit of fear.

– Pray for wisdom in movements and decisions for all people.

– Pray for the conviction of the Holy Spirit to be received.

– Pray the innocent are not injured.

– Pray for people to receive inner healing and deliverance.

– Pray for love to go forth in all things.

– Pray to dispatch angels on assignment.

– Pray for all government officials.

– Pray for our first responders, military and medical personnel.

– Pray the media would bring forth truth without fear.

These are some power points on how to pray in our world. I encourage you to spend some time partnering with the Holy Spirit as I discuss in my book, Prophetic Spiritual Warfare, so you can receive additional power points of how He wants you to pray. {eoa}

Kathy DeGraw is a prophetic deliverance minister. She is the founder of Kathy DeGraw Ministries and K Advancement LLC. Kathy hosts a podcast show called Prophetic Spiritual Warfare. She is the author of several books; Prophetic Spiritual Warfare, Speak Out, Discerning and Destroying the Works of Satan, and Unshackled. You can connect with Kathy on Facebook or visit

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