Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Word: Strike the Ground and Stake the Claim

In this new year, the Holy Spirit has been stirring me with a strong desire for an increase in spiritual sight, to press in and activate every gift I have been given.

I began to re-read the accounts of Elisha’s life because of his persistence and because 2022 is a double portion year. Halfway through the study, the Lord took me into a significant vision and subsequent prophetic activation, then affirmed it with insight and revelation from His Word as to what it means.

Spiritual Sight is a Necessity to Overcome and Advance

Elisha had developed his relationship with the Spirit of the Lord to such a degree that his prayer was answered for his servant’s eyes to be opened to see into the heavenly realm when the enemy army was advancing. Elisha also received strategy to overcome the enemy. He prayed they would be blinded, then led them to another location; when it was the right time, he prayed their eyes be opened. After, he showed mercy, feeding them rather than killing them, which brought Israel favor for the future.

What formed this ability? Persistent pressing after he received his appointment to be Elijah’s successor. He destroyed the means of his previous livelihood, indicating he was not returning. He staying focused on the prize. He was determined to have not just the anointing of Elijah, but the double portion, and Elijah told him he could only have that by seeing in the spirit! Even when mocked by other prophets and told by Elijah to stay behind, he pressed toward his calling and his desire for the double portion. He refused to let the other voices sway him away from what he knew was his!

If you are determined to have your vision realized, there will be a point where you will be mocked and even those you are following will be used by God to bring out your resolve. (I wrote about this in greater detail in my book, Moses: Shocked in the Desert, Learning God’s Ways to Enter the Promised Land.)

“As the Lord liveth and as thy soul liveth, I will not leave thee” (2 Kings 2:2, KJV).

Second Kings 2:2 is a 2022 verse—We must say, “Though all forsake me, betray me and persecute me, I will not leave You and Your calling on my life, LORD!”

Contenders are Rising

I heard, “I am raising up and releasing contenders.” Contenders—heavyweight champions who have been and will continue to contend for the faith once delivered to the saints (Jude 1:3). Elisha contended for his calling, contended for the double portion, contended for spiritual sight, contended for others to also see and contended for the nation of Israel. {eoa}

To read the rest of the prophetic word, click Strike the Ground and Stake the Claim

Alane Haynes is an author, speaker and apostolic/prophetic teacher. Alane has authored four books: Moses: Shocked in the Desert, Learning God’s Ways So We Can Enter the Promised Land, birthed from a prophetic dream and written from subsequent nights of being awakened by the Holy Spirit to “write what I tell you.” She has also written an accompanying Study Guide for Moses… a compilation of Holy Spirit-inspired poetry, Called Unto His Presence and Too Many Voices: My Journey from Confusion to Clarity. Her prophetic blogs have been featured on Elijah List, Spirit Fuel and other platforms.

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