Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

An Amazing Night in India When 6 Killers Witnessed ‘A Wondrous Sign’

A mysterious ancient prophecy declares that God’s New Covenant offspring are “for signs and for wonders” (Isa. 8:18, see Hebrews 2:13). That high calling was evidenced in the early church and it’s still true now.

I have carried the gospel several times to India—the birthplace of Hinduism and yoga. When I tell the massive audiences that I once studied under one of their gurus (back in 1969-1970), but became a follower of Jesus, it powerfully breaks down religious and cultural barriers. Like the psalmist David, I become “a wondrous sign to many” (Ps. 71:7).

One of the greatest ways these promises were fulfilled happened in the city of Kumbakonam. The local pastors informed me I was the first western missionary to conduct an outdoor Christian gathering within the city limits. Several thousand were in attendance, sitting on the ground and on top of the walls enclosing the field. Several huge Hindu temples towered over that area.

Hindu people are usually known for attitudes like gentleness and tolerance, but that night, six radical Hindus decided they were going to do something extreme to keep Christianity out of their city. They planned to storm the platform at the end of my message, beat me up publicly, tie me to the bumper of their car and drag me through the city until I was dead. But the God of signs and wonders had other plans.

Toward the end of my message, I felt an overwhelming sense of demonic resistance. I knew if I gave an altar call, very few would respond. They just didn’t understand what I had shared. Then God spoke to my heart, “Call for the deaf . . . and let this crowd know that if what you have preached is true, every deaf person will hear again.” At first, my heart was gripped with anxiety as all the “What if?” questions flooded my mind, but I knew God was in it—so I boldly presented the challenge.

Within just a few minutes, they brought seven deaf persons to the platform: four were totally deaf, three were deaf in one ear. Intentionally, I asked to pray for one of the totally-deaf persons first (not knowing how important that decision would prove to be). He was about twenty-three years old and had been unable to hear anything for five years. Laying my hands on his ears, I began commanding his ears to open by the power of the name of Jesus.

At the same time, the radical Hindu group began creeping up the back stairwell leading to the platform. There was about a 20-foot-high gate with a large padlock that was supposed to prevent break-ins, but it quickly proved insufficient. The large padlock was no match against the forceful blows from their sledgehammer; it soon clattered to the concrete. I had no idea what was causing all the loud noise behind me, but I knew I could not afford to be distracted—so I stayed focused on praying for the young man. But then, the gate swung open. I turned to see what was happening and was quite shocked to see six men running toward me.

At that precise moment, the young man jerked out of my hands and began to scream, “I can hear! I can hear!” (What perfect timing, right?!?!) The radical leader immediately stopped in his tracks—stunned at what he was witnessing. He walked over and began to talk to the young man, whispering words in his ears and having him repeat them back. Amazed, he called his associates over. I could hear them talking among themselves, affirming, “It is a true miracle.” The crown erupted in praise to God. I knew faith was at a high level and moving fast would bring optimum results. So, I went to the second person and prayed. He was healed. Then the rest, one by one. All were healed. All seven heard again. Falsely assuming the six men who stormed the platform were a pastorally-appointed checking committee to verify the miracles, I asked them to check each person who claimed to be hearing again—and they complied, confirming each healing.

Immediately after that, I gave an altar call and about 500 people came forward to give their hearts to Jesus. The six men on the platform that I thought were my appointed “checking committee” also fell to their knees and got right with God. I had no idea their intention that night was to publicly execute me. But the God of signs and wonders manifested Himself miraculously and thwarted the enemy’s agenda.

The next day, that group of six “formerly” radical Hindus asked to meet with me. They shared their story as I sat there in amazement. The leader told me why his evil agenda changed so quickly the night before. Are you ready for this? The first deaf person to be healed was his next-door neighbor so he knew it was an actual miracle (What a mighty God we serve!). It convinced him immediately that what I preached was true and he needed to repent.

The God of signs and wonders is still alive and ready to move on the behalf of those who approach Him with bold faith. Expect to receive “signs and wonders” from Him and to become “a wondrous sign” for Him—to thwart the plans and purposes of the enemy in this dark hour. That calling still rests on every believer.

To dig deeper into this revelation, listen to a recent episode of Mike Shreve’s “Discover Your Spiritual Identity” podcast on “Our Calling to Be Signs and Wonders.” {eoa}

Mike Shreve has traveled evangelistically in the United States and overseas since 1970 with an emphasis on healing and the prophetic. His primary biblical teaching for over 35 years has been the spiritual identity of believers. This powerful insight is featured on his weekly podcast on titled “Discover Your Spiritual Identity.” It is also the theme of his Charisma House book titled WHO AM I? Dynamic Declarations of Who You Are in Christ. The first three categories on his YouTube website expand on this amazing revelation:

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