Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

How You Can Win Every Battle and Walk in Spirit-Powered Victory

As you are well aware, life can often be overwhelming. I want (and I want you) to walk in victory every new day. With the miraculous power of Jesus at work in our lives, we can win every battle we face.

Before coming to Christ, Skylar Linderman was stuck in sin and addiction. Once considered hopeless, he came out of bondage into full freedom and victory in Jesus Christ. Recognizing we are in a battle for our lives and souls is the first step to gaining power over the enemy.

In James 4:7-10, the apostle gives us a clear battle plan to be victorious no matter what life throws at us. James explores the principles of surrender, authority, intimacy with God and brokenness/humility as vital keys to breaking free and conquering any addiction in our lives, whatever it may be. These few verses in James give us a power-packed game plan to win every battle we face in life.

Over the last 40 years, I’ve watched so many young men and women who were written off by society as “hopeless cases” (myself included) be set free by the grace of God and transformed by the power of His Word and His Holy Spirit. These young people come to us with catastrophic physical problems, and friends and family had given up hope for them. They were bound by addiction, lust, emptiness and sin, but when they encountered the risen Christ they became new creations in Him.

In his letter, James tells us to submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee from us. I have found this advice to be so true!

For more from Ken Pounders and Skylar Linderman in walking in true victory, listen to this powerful episode of the Conquer Addiction podcast at this link. {eoa}

Ken and Sonya Pounders are the hosts of the Conquer Addiction podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network. They serve as directors of Outreach Ministries of Alabama Inc., a Christian discipleship training center for young men overcoming addictions. Ken and Sonya have devoted themselves to new church planting, missionary evangelism and residential discipleship ministry in the USA, Eastern Europe, Asia and Central America for 38 years. They reside in Valhermoso Springs, Alabama, and have five children and four grandchildren.

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