Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

This is your time to ADVANCE.

As an executive coach to leaders in business, as well as in the church world for 30-plus years, I have had the privilege of high-fiving around the table when things work, movements grow, business rocks.

On the other hand, I have shared in the raw crushing pain of defeat when relationships cave, business tanks or church goes sideways.

Most importantly, I have observed firsthand what it takes to advance again: to recover a mission when vision stalls out, trust is broken or dreams have gotten lost in a stuck world.

The courageous journey upward is where many leaders find themselves now in the wake of 2020 disaster, having been exposed to more chaos than most have encountered in their lifetimes.

Not only can and do leaders find the courage to make the journey upward with new vision and stronger values, they bring their team, friends, family, business or church with them. This is why you must hear your own call to advance in this hour.

The journey upward is real work and is absolutely invigorating because you are moving into a productive path and out of the miry clay of being stuck in a stuck world.

… And it’s so worth it.

If you have lost ground, found yourself thrown off course in the midst of chaos and confusion, I want to encourage you to take a fresh look at your life and remember who God has called you to be … regardless of the circumstances you face.

After countless coaching sessions with leaders in business and the church world, I find moments like this, like the one you’re in now, to be a priceless gift to provoke you to re-focus, perhaps for survival and certainly in order to advance.

Being the serial coach that I am, now I’m going to get in your business if you agree. So pull up a chair and take this free, hundreds-of-dollars-value coaching session to find your next step.

“Why is she doing this?” you may rightly wonder.

Well, this is one of those “God said to” moments and I don’t take those lightly.

So if you’re still reading, picture us at a desk in person, get your coffee or tea, and let’s get started.

My friend, it is essential to reconnect with God’s plans in your life to get your bearings and move from ambiguity to a next step with a plan—especially when circumstances are unstable as they are in society today.

You rightly desire clarity. Clarity brings power to advance and that is why I believe you’re still engaging with me here.

To gain clarity, answer a few questions to reconnect with who you are.

1. Do you feel you have an assignment in life to help certain people? Please elaborate.

2. What realm of life are you drawn to impact, and perhaps even pained by, in this time? (Pay attention to these highlights and indicators of the place you’re called to serve.)

3. What kinds of work and service make you think, “I was born for this!”?

Jot down your first responses to these questions and begin to refocus on who you are and how God has made you to function in this time.

Now let’s move ahead together through these Seven Steps to Advance:

  1. Acknowledge the good stuff—No matter how difficult your situation has been, find the places where God showed up. Thank some people. Do a happy dance before God and realize how blessed you really are.
  1. Declare your vision again—God has given you a holy calling, and this is the time to reconnect with your vision, speak it out to yourself or a friend and claim it again. Each day, send up your vision to God for help in a prayer. Fill your ears and mind with good things.
  1. Value the process—Be willing to play the process to advance (like working through these bullet points for the next 10 days). Decide to be consistent with your work and show up ready every day to do the next thing.
  1. Action Plans—Update your plans for the future and put some skin in the game with due dates. This is your life and work we’re talking about, and it’s worthy of consideration. Plans will empower you and give you the roadmap for progress. (Masterclass available when you purchase my signature system at
  1. Note one big thing each day—the top priority for the day, even if nothing else gets done. This practice can change your life.
  1. Celebrate the wins and let go of the rest. Finish the day with a few minutes each evening to jot down what you learned, what worked, what you can do better next time and then let it go so you can rest well. Wind down with worship and set your mind to be at peace and hear from God, even as you sleep. Keep a journal by the bed so you’re ready to take notes when He speaks!
  1. Expect progress—Believe this is going to work, my friend. Believe in your own turnaround and work the plan every day.

My friend, there’s something powerful about getting behind the wheel of your life again, getting ready to advance. I believe God is inviting you to a new level of progress with greater clarity than you’ve had before.

The world stage is set for those who will join God in new focus and advancement to bring victories our world is crying out for. Will you be that leader?

Thank you for noting the Seven Steps to advance. I pray God speaks to you as you print this out and work through the bullet points over the next 7-10 days. {eoa}

Linda Fields is an executive coach, entrepreneur, conference speaker, author and leader of the Onfire Global movement launching leaders in passion and purpose to change the world. Stay in the conversation over at Linda works internationally with business and church leaders to clarify vision and mobilize plans to accomplish the vision. Linda’s book, Impact Your Sphere of Influence, endorsed by Mike Bickle of International House of Prayer, is a guide for leaders who want to fulfill their callings to impact society and is available here.

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