Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘Your Anointing Has Not Left You’

“You are anointed, and your anointing has not left you” is what I recently heard the Spirit of the Lord say while I was in worship and prayer before my Sunday-night web church service.

It was for the people of God. He said, “Tell My people they are anointed, and their anointing has not left them. Even if you aren’t operating in the gifts and the full potential I have given you, it doesn’t mean it isn’t within you or has left you. My anointing does not leave My people. They may not activate it, but they can cultivate it and release it. It has not left them. It is My anointing.”

The inadequacy, shame, guilt, condemnation, unworthiness and regret you feel and may experience does not make your anointing leave you. The Lord still wants to use you.

He continued to reveal that He wants His people encouraged, built up and activated. They need someone who will believe in them. Jesus said, “Go and make disciples” (Matt. 28:19). The first disciples we need to make are ones in the church, releasing the Holy Spirit’s gifts. We can’t go out in the world and make disciples until we are activated.

You have a purpose. We all have a purpose in the kingdom of God. We all have a ministry assignment, even though that assignment looks different for everyone. We have all been anointed and appointed by the Father. The question is, “Are we using what the Father has imparted into us?” Jesus has given us authority over all things. Are we walking in and releasing that authority because we are anointed to do so?

When we look at the life of Jeremiah, he was sanctified. Father God formed him in the womb, sanctified him and ordained him a prophet to the nations (Jer. 1:5). Sanctified means set apart for sacred use. When you study sacred and holy in this context, it means separated from common, secular uses, consecrated to God and His services. It means that we are set apart and anointed for God’s work and His kingdom. We too are consecrated and set apart from common, secular uses to advance His kingdom with our anointing.

We need to rise above our feelings that God can use everyone else except us, except you. He can and will use you. He can use you for the glory and edification of His name. It comes with renewing your mind and your purpose. Elijah gave up and felt defeated and needed a renewal of purpose while Jezebel was coming after him. When we receive a renewal of purpose, we are energized for our kingdom assignments. Where do you need to be energized? Where do you need to believe in yourself again? Where do you need to believe God for the plans and purposes He has for your life?

Often we get discouraged, distracted and give up or don’t believe the call of God on our lives is going to manifest. We think our sin is too great; we’ve missed the mark and messed up too many times. With all the opportunities that didn’t happen, we think that the manifestation of our destiny is no longer in the works. All those thoughts are vain imaginations and lies from the pit of hell, and don’t you believe it for a moment.

There is nothing too great you cannot overcome and accomplish. God has a purpose and a plan for your life. Get up! Get moving! Put the devil under your feet! Renew your thoughts! Get active in your prophetic assignment. He has a plan and purpose for you, a mission for you; one that no one but you can complete. You are worthy! You are anointed!

Walk in and release your anointing to bring forth the change you desire to see manifest here on earth. {eoa}

Kathy DeGraw is a prophetic deliverance minister. She is the founder of Kathy DeGraw Ministries and K Advancement LLC. Kathy hosts a podcast show called Prophetic Spiritual Warfare. She is the author of several books; Prophetic Spiritual Warfare, Speak Out, Discerning and Destroying the Works of Satan and Unshackled. You can connect with Kathy on Facebook at or visit

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