Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Chris Reed Says This Is Where Cessationists Get God’s Word Wrong

Note: Chris Reed’s teaching on divine healing begins at the 46:50 mark of this video.

MorningStar Ministries’ Chris Reed has a message for cessationists that don’t believe in the power of divine healing in today’s church: The reason you aren’t being healed is because you simply do not believe you can be healed.

“Many people do not believe divine healing is available today the way it was in the days of Jesus,” Reed says. “They interpret the word healing as something for the soul, or internal healing. But this scripture is clear. Matthew 8:17 says that, ‘to fulfill what was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, “He Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses.”‘

“Healing is just as available through the atonement (the Cross) as salvation is.”

Exodus 15:26 reveals one of the eternal names of Jehovah God—Jehovah “Rapha,” which means the Lord is healer.

“If God ever ceases to be this, He cannot be the unchanging God,” Reed says. “Malachi 3:6 says, ‘For I am the Lord, I change not.’ Therefore, cessationists are wrong about healing ceasing. If God ceases to heal, He also ceases to be our peace, righteousness, provider, sacrifice, etc.

“The only hindrance to healing is your belief that there is a hindrance. Healing was always a result of Jesus’ compassion, not our worthiness, or righteousness, or lack thereof, no more than salvation is. Both healing and salvation are received in Christ’s atonement, nothing else.”

Reed says that these Scriptures, and Jesus’ divine healing, are especially pertinent in today’s world where the pandemic has wreaked havoc on our planet.

“I don’t think we ever want to undervalue what is happening in the earth right now with COVID,” Reed said. “I believe there is a new healing grace being released. I really believe God has called us to capture this. This was so much of the ministry of Jesus Christ. So much of His ministry was divine healing.” {eoa}

For the rest of this teaching, please watch this video, beginning at 51:30.

Shawn A. Akers is the online editor of Charisma Media.

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