Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Word: It’s Time to Be Set Ablaze

As we continue into 2022, the Lord has strongly placed on my heart words for this year and beyond, which I have had the privilege of submitting to our prophetic council (Australian Prophetic Council) and sharing at our recent Australian Prophetic Summit. These words are invitations to take hold of and pray for! I hope they bless and encourage you and stir your heart to partner with all that He has planned!

Awakening Hunger for More

“…’Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord of hosts.'” (Zach. 4:6, emphasis added)

I believe we are going to experience and see an increased move of the Holy Spirit like never before. Life-changing encounters with Holy Spirit will cause people to wake up from the dead … from their slumber (Ezek. 37:9). It will bring awakening, revival and a hunger for more. We will be carriers of His glory: walking in boldness, releasing His love and reflecting His glory on this earth.

We are going to see supernatural signs and wonders like we have not seen or heard of before, which will leave people in awe and wonder. This will be an incredible testament of God’s goodness and power, proving that it is undeniably Him!

I have felt in my spirit, for so long, that the church has suppressed the move of the Holy Spirit out of fear that it might get messy, out of fear and intimidation of man. I had a vision about this … where the Lord spoke to me regarding people/the church and where they have placed the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit on the Mantlepiece

In my vision, I saw a fireplace in a house. On the wall above the fireplace was a beautiful, large painting of the Father set in an old, ornate frame. I knew this represented our heavenly Father. Then underneath this painting, I saw a big cross on the wall and a picture of the Son that sat in pride of place on the mantelpiece. I instantly understood the value of the cross and the importance of Jesus to the people.

Then I looked at the fireplace and said to the Lord, “But where is the fire? Why is this not lit? Where is Holy Spirit?” I suddenly felt deep grief in His heart as He drew my attention to a cremation urn on the mantelpiece.

Then God started to speak to me: “The church has placed Holy Spirit upon the mantelpiece. They will acknowledge My Spirit, but refuse to fully accept the fact that My Spirit is alive and have done all they can to suppress Me and treat My Spirit like He is dead! Their house has become so cold and dark, and they have just adapted to the dim light and physically try to work hard to keep warm.”

Suddenly, I saw the urn start to shake on the mantelpiece and I began to tremble with holy fear. Then the urn shook violently until it fell into the fireplace and suddenly ignited! The fire instantly lit up the room! The heat was intense and the fire was raging brightly. Then, instantly, the windows blew open and a wind started to blow into the room. I was so struck with awe at the fire as the wind blew around me. Then embers flew out, igniting parts of the house, igniting me, igniting family members … until the WHOLE HOUSE was gloriously ablaze!

Ready or Not — Here He Comes

We are coming into a time where Holy Spirit is coming — ready or not! The things in this vision all happened suddenly.

So, churches, leaders, people: Get ready. Prepare for revival. Awakening and hunger are coming. It’s time to stop letting the fear of man cause you to suppress the Spirit of the Living God. Surrender! Yield! It’s time to be set ablaze and be the light, to be His burning ones on the earth.

Smoke and Mirrors

I also felt the Lord speaking of the “smoke and mirrors” that some churches and people have been operating in. I felt grief in my heart and repentance filled me. I felt the ground shake violently as I fell on my face before Him in fear and trembling. Then suddenly, the mirrors shattered, the ceiling broke and the smoke left. I could see clearly. Great awe and wonder filled me.

I believe this speaks of what is coming. Churches and people won’t be able to hide behind smoke and mirrors anymore! He is calling us to true repentance, to humble our hearts and surrender to His will and His way! Lay down your control and pride … No more limits! He alone will get ALL the glory!

Personal Revival and Total Transformation

Revival is coming through His people, through the personal revival of each heart and life! Revival will not necessarily look like it has in the past. Revival is coming through you and me! His glory is coming through us! I feel the refining, purging, repenting and healing process is going to increase and go deeper than ever before until it is fully done.

Many are feeling this now but He won’t stop, He won’t relent, until we are fully yielded and surrendered! This is a total transformation. He is doing in us! The old is done. He is getting us ready for the new … for all He has planned! So, yield to Him, surrender to the process of what He is doing. It will be glorious (Rom. 12:1-2)!

He is coming for a pure bride! We are going to see and experience purification and refinement in a transformative way. This will become an incredible testament to others and He will get all the glory! {eoa}

For the rest of this prophetic word, visit

Helen Cobanov has a passion to ignite God’s children and awaken the dormant ones. Over the years, God has been filling Helen with prophetic words, songs, dreams and visions. Through her ministry, God is using Helen to speak into the hearts and lives of others, teaching people to fully embrace all God has for them. Helen is married to Daniel and they have two teenage sons. She is actively involved in her local church and women’s ministry and loves to lead people into the presence of God through worship. She is also an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council and lives in Brisbane, Australia. Visit her website at

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