Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Charisma Highlights: What the Lord Prophesied on New Year’s Eve:

Following are snippets of the top stories featured this week We invite you to visit the links to read the stories in full.

This is not a light and fluffy or dreamy prophetic word being regurgitated by a timid minister who is trying to convince their congregants to think happy thoughts to disguise their own fear as they apprehensively move into the new year. Neither is it a positive, powerful word to trick listeners into believing that 2022 is going to be a year of great things—more prosperity and dreams come true—so they can gain more followers. That’s what happened before entering 2020 and 2021, and none of the fluffy, dreamy words even remotely came to pass.

The body of Christ doesn’t need to be placated or coddled any longer by cowardly ministers who can barely handle the truth themselves, much less dole it out to their followers. Believers need to be told the truth, the real truth. Lack of knowledge causes people to perish, but the truth sets people free.

I want the raw and real facts, not the fluff, so that I can be battle-ready, just as a soldier is for whatever may be ahead. I want words that cause courage to rise up in me and cause me to stand unshakeable and immovable in Christ while staring directly into the face of fear. God has commanded us to be strong and courageous (Josh. 1:9), not timid and afraid. Revelation 21:8 says cowards will be thrown into the lake of fire along with all the grossest and most evil sinners. So we need truthful words that will make us brave in this season.

The Great Tribulation period will feature persecution to all who do not take the mark of the beast.

This period of tribulation will bring a period of hardship that has never been experienced since the world began and there will never be any other of such magnitude. It is going to be a host of great affliction that will be unbearable for those who endure it.

However, the level of difficulty and persecution that people will face during the Great Tribulation will be the reason why many people will take the mark of the beast and forever be separated from God.

Tesla co-founder and CEO Elon Musk recently shared his thoughts about Jesus Christ and religion during an interview with the satire website, The Babylon Bee.

While most of what the Bee does is for comedy, their interview with Musk took a turn into a serious subject of eternal significance—salvation through Jesus Christ.

Throughout the interview, the SpaceX entrepreneur had answered questions about multiple topics with the Christian website’s CEO Seth Dillon, Editor-in-Chief Kyle Mann and Creative Director Ethan Nicolle.

At “The Renewal” crusade in Plant City, Florida, last Saturday, Kent Christmas, founding co-pastor of Regeneration Nashville, released a prophetic word unto our nation that this year, 2022, will be the beginning of the final harvest for God.

Christmas says the pain that the wicked has inflicted on his people in past years come back on the evil who perpetrated it, and this movement of the Lord will shine forth His glory in all the earth.

Christmas prophesied the Lord said:

“God says I feel the pain of my people, the Lord said I never created you to suffer, but I created you to triumph. In the year 2021, I began to uncover the hearts of men, not only in this nation but around the world. I began to divide, says the Lord, who is on whose side. But this year, sayeth the Lord, is not a year of dividing but this is a year of conquering for the church for the most high.

Ted Cruz is a vital leader in our cause. He is an articulate, lightning-fast debater. And I believe in his stated core values.

However, I also believe the enemy is tempting him to make a devastating mistake. The damage from this mistake cannot be overstated. Please read what his mistake is and why he is making it, and why we must pray.

Cruz is publicly lending credence to the great hoax regarding last Jan. 6. Here are his recent comments: {eoa}

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