Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Many Will Knowingly Take the Mark of the Beast; Here’s How You Can Stay Vigilant

The Great Tribulation period will feature persecution to all who do not take the mark of the beast.

This period of tribulation will bring a period of hardship that has never been experienced since the world began and there will never be any other of such magnitude. It is going to be a host of great affliction that will be unbearable for those who endure it.

However, the level of difficulty and persecution that people will face during the Great Tribulation will be the reason why many people will take the mark of the beast and forever be separated from God.

The Bible does not go into detail about the mark, but one thing we do know is anyone who accepts the mark of the beast is automatically disqualified from entering heaven because they have been marked with the identity of the antichrist. What the Bible reveals to us is that accepting the mark is a declaration of worship.

There is a way to avoid this and that is to accept the Lord Jesus Christ into your heart and life, and to heed the words of Jesus from Matthew 24:17-19: “Let him who is on the housetop not go down to take anything out of his house. Let him who is in the field not return to take his clothes. Woe to those who are with child and to those who nurse in those days!”

This is a time where people may not understand that taking the mark has an eternal consequence, and yet they will have no option but to take it. The words of Christ are reliable and true. He spoke of the Great Tribulation so that we will be ensured that we will not experience it. It is better to hear, read or preach about the Great Tribulation and not experience it. There are believers who do not take their walk with God seriously. This is not the year to take your walk with Christ lightly. History is moving toward the Great Tribulation. The stage is being set for the arrival of the Antichrist.

For more of this crucial teaching, watch this video. {eoa}

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