Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prepare for the Greatest Journey Ahead!

Arise and eat!

“And the angel of the Lord came again a second time and touched him and said, ‘Arise and eat, for the journey is too great for you'” (1 Kings 19:7, ESV).

Elijah was delivered from a grievous time of fear, death, destruction and depression. The spirit of Jezebel tried to haunt him down and destroy his name, character, reputation and ministry.

The spirit of the Lord, however, breathed upon him again! The God of second chances came before Elijah with a new message of hope and grace.

The angel of the Lord came to him and said, “Arise and eat, for the journey ahead is too great!”

I believe many are coming out of the caves and out of hiding.

You too, child of God, must arise from your slumber and despair and eat, for a new beginning is ahead!

A Season of Divine Preparation

I believe we are in a great time of preparation right now, preparing in the spirit and adjusting in the natural. There are many things to cut, prune and process in this month of December. Before we launch into the new year 2022, the Lord is shifting and sifting many things in our hearts and lives.

There have been many tests but the spirit of the Lord is speaking to us, to prepare and to eat, for we must prepare for the greatest test and battle that is ahead!

Get Ready for Great Exploits

How we handle this season will determine how far and fast we will go into the next. I believe the Lord is speaking to His bride right now to eat!

Eat wisely and don’t be distracted!

Eat the Word of God only! Harken to the voice of the Spirit. Heed the words of the Lord and let it go deep into your spirit man. Let His voice cut you deep and prepare you for the great journey that is ahead.

Many have been malnourished, distracted, disabled and in dysfunction. We need to allow the Lord to do surgery on our hearts before we even try to begin again in the new year.

Go Beyond

In 2022, God wants to take you beyond what you could’ve ever dreamed or thought of.

Brace yourself for what is about to come! Brace yourself for the surprises and shocking events that are about to take place. Get the foundations ready and go deep into the rock-solid Word of God while we still have time to prepare and to eat!

Be Consumed with the Lord

That word “eat,” in Hebrew, is to be consumed. You are what you eat! You will be consumed by the things you allow into your psych. Your mind, heart, soul and spirit is meant to be consumed by the presence of the Lord, not the devious, mischievous distractions of the world.

God is giving us dove’s eyes again; to be so centered and focused on the Lord only, our first love, the living Word of God. Let the love of God consume you through and through!

Dust Off Your Feet

“And if anyone will not receive you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet when you leave that house or town” (Matt. 10:14).

It’s time to dust off our feet and walk anew with the Lord. They did not reject you but the Lord redirected you to a new place that is better and greater. Do not grieve nor groan for those who did not receive you but rejoice for there is a greater welcoming and reception ahead!

Walk with Christ

“For he raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ Jesus” (Eph. 2:6, NLT).

The Lord is wanting us to walk with Him in a manner of worthiness and holiness. Throughout all of the dramas and traumas of 2021, you will come out of the cave of desolation, the pit of betrayal and the prison of hopelessness better than ever before! You will walk forth as a new man, a new woman and a new creation!

You will walk with a greater authority and glory as you are more than an overcomer!

A new glory is coming upon those people who prepare themselves in this season.

“Then Joshua said to the people, ‘Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you'” (Josh. 3:5, ESV). {eoa}

Dr. Ben Lim is the senior pastor of Open Heavens World, which currently oversees three church plants in Southern California. He is a dynamic Millennial preacher who has traveled to nearly 50 countries in just the past 10 years. He spent his earlier years in the mission fields of Asia and South0ast Asia, preaching the gospel to unreached people groups. He is the CEO of Ben Lim Global and Ben Lim Ministries. His ministry is accompanied with notable signs, wonders and miracles. He holds a doctorate degree of theology from Next Dimension University. He is ordained by Pastor Benny Hinn and the WHF (World Healing Fellowship) and is a trusted voice and a regular feature on the Charisma Media Prophetic Insight and many other prophetic channels. You can listen to his CPN podcast End Times’ Oracle. God is speaking and in these end times, He is speaking louder and clearer through His apostolic, prophetic church. Dr. Ben Lim is one of the many chosen end-time oracles to release the now rhema-word of God to this generation.

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