Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Clay Clark Explains How Prophecies by Kenneth E. Hagin and Kim Clement Inspired ReAwaken America Tour and Documentary

Thanks to the ReAwaken America Tour, which he leads with Gen. Michael Flynn, Clay Clark’s name is rapidly becoming a household word. But it wasn’t always that way, as the new ReAwakening docuseries reveals. That docuseries, available as an exclusive until Dec. 15 on our new Charisma Plus App, chronicles the rise of the ReAwaken America movement—and Clark says we all need to watch it because “God is using it to wake up the world.”

Clark reveals in a recent interview for my Strang Report podcast that he has experienced his own reawakening. “I was spiritually dumb before 2020,” he says. “It took the chaos of 202o to allow me to see clearly what God is doing in the lives of others and what God wanted to do with my life. So if you’re out there, and you say, ‘I want to know in the natural the truth about medical fraud, election fraud, religious fraud, mainstream media fraud, ReAwakening is a great movie to watch. If you’re saying, ‘Spiritually, I just want to be educated, I want to be inspired’ … it’s going to be fabulous.”

Clark says the production quality of ReAwakening is also “next level,” since the same production team also created the documentary about the Trump administration, The Trump I Know. “The production level is some of the best I’ve seen in a long time,” he says.

The ReAwakening docuseries explains how God called Clark, a successful businessman who admits he refused to discuss religion or politics, into his calling to stand on the frontlines of the reawakening he and I both believe America needs.

“How can I serve you, God?” Clark says he found himself asking God at the start of 2020. “What can I do to stop the quarantines, the curfews, the mandates, the lockdowns?” In his research, he discovered some incredible truths that he decided to share not only with his business clients, as he had first intended, but with the rest of the nation.

Clark says he knew “exactly, 100% of God-ordained clarity, what I was supposed to do. And what I was supposed to do was to begin reawakening America. … I started doing the ReAwaken America events that at the time were called town halls.”

The ReAwakening docuseries details at least two prophecies connected to Clark’s current work. “It turned out—you can find it on YouTube—in 1963, Kenneth Hagin said there would be an atheistic, communist, Marxist and racially divisive spirit that would descend upon America—sound familiar?—and that the spark of the revival would start from Tulsa, Oklahoma,” Clark explains. This August, when he held his first “Health and Freedom” event, later renamed the ReAwaken America Tour, his team called civic centers and event centers, but the only facility willing to host the tour was Rhema Bible College, led by Hagin’s son, Kenneth W. Hagin.

As the popularity of the tour grew and the demand for Clark to appear on various media outlets rose, someone sent him the Kim Clement prophecy from April 20, 2013, that seems to have a clear connection to his calling to reawaken America. It mentions a “man by the name of Mr. Clark,” and says in part, “You have been determined through your prayers to influence this nation. You’re watching me; you’re an influential person. The Spirit of God says, ‘Hear the word of the prophet to you as a king, I will open that door that you prayed about.'”

God gave him more than one confirmation of the accuracy of that word and how it applied to him, Clark says. “God, all of a sudden, started opening doors for me that I could not I did not have the capacity to open up in my own strength. … It’s not me. It was God opening doors.”

For much more from entrepreneur and business leader Clay Clark on the ReAwakening docuseries and how God is using him and the ReAwaken America Tour to bring America back to its Judeo-Christian roots, listen to the entire episode of the Strang Report at this link, and subscribe to the Strang Report on Apple podcasts or your favorite podcast platform.

Be sure to watch the ReAwakening docuseries at this exclusive Charisma link,, which gives you all the information you need along with some other special offers. ReAwakening goes much more in depth than Clark was able to do in our interview, and it’s well worth the $17.76 price. Check out the film’s trailer here.

God Cancel Culture R
I’ve had the privilege of joining the ReAwaken America Tour in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and also in Colorado Springs, Colorado; I’ll also speak at the Dallas, Texas, event Dec. 9-11 to share about the content in God and Cancel Culture, my most recent book—which has itself been canceled by some of the Big Tech outlets—at Please check out the ReAwakening docuseries to find out about the dangers America is facing, and join our movement to stand up against cancel culture and the other evils we are facing today. {eoa}

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