Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Charisma Magazine

Charisma magazine has gotten their “groove” back and is being a blessing again.

J.L. Horton, via Facebook

The Season of Breakthrough

Thank you for your timely article by Kevin Wallace (“God Has a New Season for You,” Charisma, November 2021). It was a terrific affirmation of several things I have been lifting up in intercessory prayer for many months. I am looking forward to breakthroughs in areas that Pastor Wallace described.

Mike Branson, Peoria, IL

Revival Sparked and Spreading

I have been praying and believing for revival, especially during this pandemic season. The article on Mario Murillo’s events was exciting and encouraging (“Signs of Awakening,” Charisma, November 2021). It is fascinating to see how the Holy Spirit is moving right now.

Anthony Jayford, Palm Beach Gardens, FL

Depression in Church

I know a little about suicide, depression and alcoholism (“What If a Christian Commits Suicide,” Charisma, October 2021). I was depressed most of my life, felt worthless and guilty, planned suicide several times and thought about it often. I was also a modestly successful small business owner for 22 years. If people really knew how much God loves them it would change their lives. His unfailing love cannot be shaken (Isa. 54:10).

Ron Ziegler, vie email

Verbal Prayers In Our Own Voices

Kim Daniels’ article (“Can You Hear Me Now?” Charisma, November 2021) answered a question we’ve had for a long time. I have felt led to pray out loud, verbally, but I was never confident about it, even when praying by myself. This article showed me that is it good to pray out loud, and that it is also biblical in how we are supposed to pray boldly and confidently.

Ellen Magee, Canton, OH

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