Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

How Greater Faith Can Be Yours

This article can help bring an increase in your faith. First I need to ask you if you desire greater faith for greater results. If that is your desire, then get ready to receive. Expect, anticipate and get excited about greater faith. The words expect, anticipate and excitement bring such a positive, joyful feeling to my soul when I think about ways to increase your faith. We must possess an expectation for greater results. Every time we pray for a need, we should get excited about the end results of our prayers.

There should always be an anticipation of God answering our prayers. What I am talking about is not just positive thinking. The words expect, anticipate and excitement are results of believing the teaching of the apostle Paul when he told us that God can bring something from nothing. When we pray for a need, we or someone else usually lack something. It could be finances, health or emotional issues. Whatever the need, there is something missing that needs to come forth. In order to receive great results from our prayers, we must expect great results when we are praying for a great need. Always pray with great expectations of the answer.

If someone comes to me for prayer, I like to ask them if they are excited about God answering their need. When they respond with, “I hope so” or “Yes, I kind of believe,” I tell them they must expect their need to be met. Sometimes I will advise them that there’s no value in even praying if they don’t believe before we ask. As the pastor of my church, I would tell the congregation that I did not want anyone to pray for me if they did not expect God to answer their prayers.

In my book titled, Receive Everything From What We Call Nothing, I have a chapter called “Anticipation of Joy.” That chapter was written to help believers expect God to answer their prayers. It helps us to believe for greater faith when we approach prayer with joy for the answer. The Bible tells us that “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Heb. 11:1, NKJV). That is an exciting scripture and it should increase your faith and help you to believe for greater results in your prayers.

To build our faith, wake up each day with unlimited hope. Anticipate a great result before we pray. Avoid negative or pessimistic thoughts before, during and after our prayers. Try to think on positive things like great testimonies of answered prayers. If you want to increase your faith, then increase your testimony of past needs being met. Anticipating good results is the best way to live our lives. Anticipate the victory before you go into the battle for someone’s needs.

As you listen to these podcast episodes during this series on how to increase your faith to receive, expect God to do something in your spirit. Anticipate a move of God in your faith. Become excited about the potential of having greater faith in order to pray for your needs and the needs of others. We serve a God with unlimited powers. His Word is filled with examples of men and women with great faith. You can become a person of great faith. You can experience the joy of seeing the needs met of those you love. Join me in this endeavor to receive greater faith for greater results.

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David C. Friend served in the Army in Vietnam. After his service, he graduated from Phoenix College and also studied finance at Western Bancor. David taught banking at community colleges in Arizona and was a vice president with a real estate development company. He owned and operated Dave Friend Homes. In 1997, he went into full-time ministry, was ordained in 1998 and started a new church, North Scottsdale Christian. God blessed the church with over 2,000 members. David serves as a board member with Dream City Church. He mentors businessmen and couples and speaks on finance and prayer. He also served as a board member with Teen Challenge, Grand Canyon University Foundation, Tucson Salvation Army and several nonprofit organizations. David resides in Scottsdale, Arizona with his wife Sharon. They have two married children and six grandchildren.

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