Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Beloved, have you been waiting and waiting for breakthrough and change? If so, look to the Lord and stay in prayer in November, for I heard the Lord say, “November is a month of turnaround!”

The Scriptures He gave me for this are:

“But You have seen, for You observe trouble and grief, To repay it by Your hand. The helpless commits himself to You; You are the helper of the fatherless” (Ps. 10:14, NKJV).


“Lord, You have heard the desire of the humble; You will prepare their heart; You will cause Your ear to hear, to do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed, that the man of the earth may oppress no more” (Ps. 10:17-18).


“‘For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, now I will arise,’ says the Lord; ‘I will set him in the safety for which he yearns'” (Ps. 12:5).


“Oh, that the salvation of Israel would come out of Zion! When the Lord brings back the captivity of His people, let Jacob rejoice and Israel be glad” (Ps. 14:7).

And the Lord says to you today:

“November is a month of turnaround for you.

“For so long, you have humbled yourself and cried out to Me to hear and answer. I tell you that your prayers have not been wasted. I have heard every tear and every prayer has been stored up in My bosom.

“I take your prayers personally.

“I have personal interest in everything that happens to you, for You are My beloved child. I will do anything for you. I have given you land and children a hundredfold, with more to come. And you are walking in more now than you ever dreamed—but I have so much more for you that where you are now is only the beginning.

“Do not fear, My child; for it is My good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Take your hands off the things you have been clinging to and let Me show you what I can do with them. Invite Me to work your pain out for your good this month, for I say to you now that November is YOUR month of turnaround.

“In November, I will be working things out for your good—and the goodness of My turnaround will become readily obvious.

“I have raised you up in secret but I am getting ready to flaunt you to the world as My treasure, My delight and My beloved one. No one except Me has seen you at any time—not truly; not the way I see. But in November, I am lifting the veil off the eyes of the people around you and I will show you what I have in store.

“In November, in a good way, hidden things will become public and public things will be forgotten. This month will be the month of My turnaround and of My heap-it-up. I will heap your reward on you; you will be the object of My blessing.

“I am bringing you into a good land of brooks and springs and fountains of water.

“This month, you will find yourself migrating toward your future. You will move toward your prosperity by valuing yourself the way I value you. Your faith will arise and come up to meet the level of My expectations for your life.

“In November, you will find yourself recompensed and rewarded for things which only I have seen.

“You have responded rightly when others have not. You have been faithful and a faithful steward. You have known in whom you have believed and you have known that I am able to keep that which you have committed to Me.

“In November, you will find more paths converging.

“I have placed you into a rushing river of My Spirit’s flow and you will not be denied this river you have asked for. Years ago, you saw this river; years ago, you saw yourself moving on it—but you did not have the paradigm at that time to understand what I was saying to you.

“Now, you will understand. All your dreams about rivers will converge even more in November. You already experienced one convergence in October but I tell you there are more.

“Multiple rivers are flowing toward you right now and you are rushing toward them on the flow of My Spirit. When you converge with My rivers, it will make quite a splash!

“You will delight in the splashing of My rivers this month,” says the Lord.

“You will enjoy what I have promised you. My promises were not in vain; did you think they were? I had to bide My time to get the manifestations of My Word to you but indeed now I have come quickly.

“Think not that things are lost to you; you were simply biding your time until you got close enough to My river to converge with the blessings I had for you all along—blessings which I laid up for you before time began.

“All things are yours,” says the Lord.

“All things are yours, for you are Mine and I am yours. You have an inheritance which is beyond the reach of change; it is stored up, incorruptible, for you! Nothing can steal it; no one can take it from you. Thank Me for releasing you into it, for now you can prosper in ways you could not have prospered before!

“Your dreams are not too big for Me. I am sending your helpers and your helpers will pull more out of you than you could ever imagined.

“Your helpers are heaven-sent; I sent them Myself and I will send more. You will work together to accomplish My purposes, for great is your task on the earth.

“You will finish your task,” says the Lord. “I say it again: You will finish your task!”

He continued: “You are not too old; not too tired; not too anything to do what I have called you to do. Indeed, I am giving you rest! I am bringing you into a wide place, a safe place; a land of brooks of water, of fountains and springs! I am taking care of you; I go before you to prepare the way!

“I will open doors before you that no one could open THIS MONTH.

“I am the Great Door-Opener and I am going to work on your behalf even now as I speak to open doors for you that no man can open. No man could open them but I am not a man! I can open every door for you and right now I tell you that you will be surprised and shocked at the doors I am opening for you right now; try Me and see!

“Get to know Me and My DNA.

“Know Me and My heart toward you. Put a draw and a demand on Me and My heart toward you! My love for you is vast; it is almost incomprehensible but indeed you will know it. I am ministering My love to you right now in ways that you needed; ways you thought were not possible; ways you did not think to ask!

“Ask Me this month to help you receive My love and all it contains.

“You will not even know what you are asking but I know and I need you to ask it! I have more for you than you can imagine and in November you will see convergence of even more rivers, for I am redeeming your past!

“Say ‘hello’ to your future right now.

“Your future is bright but I had to remove some things from you and remove you from some things. You are ready now to walk forward, however; so in November, you will see some things happen that you could not have dreamed.

“I will turn it around for you in November,” says the Lord. “Indeed, I will turn it around!”

Respond to this word in prayer right now:

“Father God, I receive it! I take this word unto myself and THANK YOU for it! Abba Father, please help me receive Your love and all it contains! Thank You for my future; I say ‘hello’ to it now! Thank you for working all things out for my good and thank you for turning things around for me!

“Father God, please help me to stay on Your straight and narrow path while You work all the while on My behalf. Help me to stay immersed in the river of Your Spirit while You move me into everything You have for me.

“Thank you, Holy Abba Father. In Jesus’ mighty and precious name I pray, amen.” {eoa}

Jamie Rohrbaugh equips people to walk in the manifest presence of God. She blogs for a global readership at, where she writes about prayer, the prophetic word, living supernaturally, inner healing and kingdom wealth. Her podcast, Take Your Territory with Jamie Rohrbaugh, can be found on iTunes and Spotify. Jamie holds a Master’s in Biblical Studies from Berea Seminary and is the grateful servant-in-chief of the From His Presence Prophetic Hub in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Check out her free ebook, Praying the Names of God: 555 Biblical Names of God and How to Use Them In Prayer and Worship, on her website.

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