Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

The Time of Adventure and Convergence

Beloved, are you ready to lengthen your tent cords and strengthen your stakes? Are you ready to set out on a great adventure? If so, get those hiking boots on, for the Lord is talking about ADVENTURE and CONVERGENCE this month!

A Month of Surprises

Here is what I heard the Lord say for October 2021: “October will be a month of great surprises!”

When I asked Him to expound on that, He said, “I am going to surprise you by doing things that you had given up on. You have been contending and contending but you do not understand that My kingdom is fully open to you. I have everything you need and I am eager to give it to you! You just have to seek Me about the way I desire to give these gifts to you!

“You do not always understand how much your life impacts others. Other people watch you; other people see you. You are My example and My chosen one on the earth. I always orchestrate events to use you for My glory in the greatest possible way, even when you think you are unseen.

“Beloved, I have great things in store for you this month. As I said before, prayers will be answered that you had given up on. I will awaken you to new dreams and new possibilities. Could it be that I have something in mind for you which you have not even thought of? Yes, it could; and this month, I will show you what it is!

“This month, I want you to call out to Me to show you great and mighty things you do not know. I have inside information I want to give you. I want to download strategies to you that will help you navigate the adventurous waters you are in.

“The next few years will be a time of GREAT adventure for you. Did you know that I am ‘into’ adventure? Oh, yes, I am. Why else do you think I created the mountains, the seas and the far reaches of the earth? Why do you think I put the sense of adventure into you and gave you a longing for more? It is because I am so infinite and vast that you have to venture out into unknown territory in order to find Me. Where you are is too small for you to truly see My glory and majesty!

“I am calling upon you and asking you to show Me your willingness to receive great and mighty things you know not of. Are you willing to let go? Are you willing to fly and soar? Birds know this but humans do not: when you fly, there is nothing visible holding you up. You must simply trust in your ability to soar and in the ability of the unseen (Me in this case) to carry you!

“Just as I have never failed the birds, so I will never fail you. I am calling you out into the unknown. I will be launching you into a great adventure over the next few years and every step upon which I lead you is an important step.

“My people often focus on the fact that ‘all things work together for good’ (Rom. 8:28) but it is equally important that you know the part which says, ‘all things work together.’ Not only am I working things out for your good but I am directing all aspects of your life together, making them into a grand symphony.

“The symphony of your life is beautiful and you need to understand that the opening notes started long ago. Your life is not a disparate set of random events; you are not just getting through until My Son’s return. Instead, I am ordering your steps. I am directing your ways. The path of a righteous man is ordered by the Lord and I delight in your ways!


“In October, you will see convergence. Just as two rivers merge into one and you call that a ‘convergence,’ in October you will see things in your life—things you thought were unrelated—beginning to converge. Rivers will come together and create a ‘flowing’ and a ‘gushing’ of My anointing.

“You will also see relationships converge in October. For too long you have been alone. It is not My will for you to be alone. This month, I want you to seek Me for those covenant friendships I have long promised you. Don’t be afraid to step out to make friends with the people to whom I lead you.

Dream Big and Let Me Lead You

“Ask Me to lead you in a way you have not known this month. Remember what I promised you about adventure! If you will believe Me, then it is time to press forward and surrender to whatever adventure to which I have called you. You do not need to know all the details at the beginning but I do need you to surrender.

“Your adventure in Me is going to surprise you and it will begin this month. Don’t be afraid to step away from the rigors of daily life this month. Don’t hesitate to seek Me out in the quiet places, to step back from obligations in order to seek Me more.

“Pay attention to My drawing and wooing you home. I am your home and I love to manifest Myself in your home. So, be willing to go against the flow of culture and society in order to meet Me there so that we may plan our adventure together.

“Your paths were ordained before time began but it is up to you whether or not you will walk in them. If you are willing to go on this adventure with Me, surrender to Me now. Let Me enlarge your territory, strengthen your tent stakes and lengthen your tent cords to encompass more. Believe Me for bigger; dream big with Me!

“Let’s commiserate and whisper together as best friends do this month. I am your best friend and you are My beloved. I adore you with the everlasting love that caused Me to give up My only begotten Son for you. Never forget that My love burns hot for you; My delight is in you and I am excited about your life!

“Be enthusiastic with Me this month. Be excited about what I am going to do. Speak My word about adventure out of your mouth and see where I take you! I guarantee, you will not have ever guessed that I would do all that I have in mind for you this month and throughout the course of our whole adventure. So gear up and come with Me. Let’s GO!”

Love, your doting (and very excited) heavenly Father

Beloved, is the Lord speaking to you through this word today? If so, stop and respond to Him in your own words as your response gushes out of your spirit! Let Holy Spirit lead you and surrender to your loving Father God for ADVENTURE! {eoa}

Jamie Rohrbaugh equips people to walk in the manifest presence of God. She blogs for a global readership at, where she writes about prayer, the prophetic word, living supernaturally, inner healing and kingdom wealth. Her podcast, Take Your Territory with Jamie Rohrbaugh, can be found on iTunes and Spotify. Jamie holds a Master’s in Biblical Studies from Berea Seminary and is the grateful servant-in-chief of the From His Presence Prophetic Hub in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Check out her free ebook, Praying the Names of God: 555 Biblical Names of God and How to Use Them In Prayer and Worship, on her website.

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