Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

How to Walk Alongside Someone Struggling with Same-Sex Attractions Until They are Transformed

Char Blair stated, “I was tormented as a child with anxiety and fear. Most kids see presents under the Christmas tree and are excited about what they are getting; I just wanted peace.” The enemy attempted to derail Char’s life from the very beginning. First, she struggled with gender identity issues. Back in those days, she was called a “tom boy” because she liked boy’s activities better. This created bonds with boys and her father instead of connecting and identifying with girls. However, going through puberty resolved this issue and she was glad to be a girl.

A few years later, she began to connect emotionally with other girls in dependent ways. She had not experienced healthy, emotional bonds with her mother or friends that were girls, so the enemy turned her desires into a “secret.” To compensate for her attractions, she dove into serving in the local church. Char candidly reported, “I took my needs and sexualized them.”

At the age of 16, when Char shared with her mother that she thought she might be gay, her mother instructed her to stop watching so much television. This only drove Char deeper into her secret and further from healing. When asked how she would have wanted her mother to react to her statement, Char responded, “I wished she would have said, ‘Honey, I don’t understand, and I know you don’t understand so let’s try to understand together.'” Not addressing the issue did not make it go away.

What opened the path for healing and transformation for Char? A college pastor who loved her right where she was and offered to walk the journey with her. Char declares, “The opposite of homosexuality is not heterosexuality but holiness. I leaned into the Lord and He gave me answers.” Listen to Char’s interview by clicking here in the Living in the Light podcast on Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

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