Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

The Lord Sits as King Over the Flood

Recently in the news, there have been reports of severe flooding in several nations. The flood waters quickly engulfed many towns and cities, and many lives and homes were lost. Flooding is usually caused by a storm and severe winds. It usually occurs quite quickly because the rivers swell, the waters from the oceans are carried inland and the levees and dams can fail. When that happens, an area can be engulfed in water within a short period of time. If people are not warned to flee to higher ground or to prepare to withstand the flooding, many lives can be lost.

Sometimes the circumstances and the storms that come against us threaten to sweep us away like the floodwaters. However, God reminds us that He sits as king over the circumstances and troubles in our lives. Psalm 29:10 (NASB) says, “The LORD sat as King at the flood. Yes, the LORD sits as King forever.” Isaiah 59:19b (MEV) says, “When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him and put him.” Listen to this titled podcast episode and learn how God helps us to overcome the battles that come against us, and how we are to flee to higher ground in Him. {eoa}

Prophetic evangelist Dionne Cameron once didn’t believe that Jesus Christ was God, but a Damascus moment changed her life forever. Now she stands today for the gospel truth as found in Jesus with her Christian clothing company, Wear Scriptures, and is committed to evangelizing the lost and strengthening the body of Christ in their faith. Dionne lives in Florida with her family. Visit to learn more.

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