Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

“They overcome him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death” (Rev. 12:11, MEV).

“…Jesus is the great shepherd of the sheep … by an everlasting covenant … signed with his blood” (Heb. 13:21, TLB).

Another very powerful weapon that God has given to Christians is the blood of Jesus Christ. When a believer pleads the blood of Jesus, he/she is automatically protected from the attacks of Satan and his agents. His blood reminds Satan and the demons of their defeat on the cross. The shedding of Christ’s blood on the cross, His death and subsequent resurrection brought us back to God and also sealed the eternal doom of Satan and his fallen angels.

Sure, taking Jesus to the cross remains one of the things that the devil will eternally regret. In fact, the Bible said clearly that if the devil had known, he would not have killed the Lord of glory. The shedding of Jesus’ blood, unknowingly to the devil, was what was needed to seal the everlasting covenant between God and us. And once you invoke that covenant, the devil is disorganised, disarmed and disgraced. That is exactly what the Scriptures say.

Just look at Colossians 2:15 (NLT): “In this way, he disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross.” Did you get that? The sacrifice through the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross disarmed and disgraced the devil. So when you plead the blood of Jesus, this is exactly what you are doing. You are neutralizing the powers and the activities of Satan. You render him impotent, powerless and also bring shame upon him. If it is so, then tell me why he should not get jittery at the sight or on hearing of Jesus’ blood?

Now, let us again see the testimony of Evangelist E. O. Omoobajesu. This incident happened when he was still serving Satan. He and his powerful, demonic entities were blocked by the blood of Jesus, shielding the believers in a meeting. Listen: “Then I called the fourth of the superior spirits in the government of Satan, whose name is Belial.” (Anywhere you see some people gathering or holding a meeting or dance party and, later, they start fighting, using the chairs or benches and whips or perhaps they cut each other’s body with knives or broken bottles, it is Belial; the demonic spirit who has visited them. That is his function in the satanic order: to cause quarrels in the family, among friends or in the community.)

“I commanded him, ‘Go forward and work on them to start fighting.’ I said to myself, ‘After all, they call themselves revivalists.’ When they start beating each other with benches, then the newspapers will carry it in their headlines the next day that, ‘Revival turns to a free-for-all-fight.’ ‘Carry on!’ I commanded the demon. But he took a few quick steps and then stopped. ‘What is wrong again?’ I enquired. He asked me to come and see, and I moved in to look again. This time, it was no longer fire that I saw but blood. The whole place looked as if it were an abattoir where millions of animals have been freshly slaughtered.

“It was as if all the people were totally immersed in the flowing river of the blood. He told me pointedly, ‘That is the blood of the Lamb of God.’ But since I didn’t understand him, I asked him again, mocking, ‘You mean that God has a sheep and that He killed it, and the blood of it is now frightening you?’ I too have sheep at home. “I will kill it for you later so that you can drink the blood.” He said that it is not like that. He said firmly: ‘That is the blood of the Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world!’ He added, ‘Nothing in this world or in any department can face that blood in combat.’ So he bluntly refused to go and I chased him off also.” Praise God!

The blood of Jesus! The above incident happened as the then-top agent of Satan went to stop a revival meeting being held by a Christian group. He called in the demons to do the job but they were prevented by the blazing fire of God. He later invoked a more dangerous and very destructive demonic principality — Belial (the spirit of violence, destruction and disobedience), and the blood of Jesus immediately showed up and submerged the entire venue of the crusade. And the demon could not risk going near but turned to start lecturing his human boss on the origin, the power and the efficacy of the blood of Jesus.
Yes, they know! They know better than us. This testimony clearly manifests the power in the blood of Jesus Christ. We must always use this power to combat Satan and the agents of darkness. I totally agree with that demon that nothing in this world or in any department can face that blood in combat! Begin today to plead and conquer with the blood of Jesus. {eoa}

Reverend Gabriel Agbo is a minister of the Assemblies of God, a journalist and the author of the following books / audiobooks: Power of Midnight Prayer, Breaking Generational Curses: Claiming Your Freedom, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, I Shall Not Die, Power of Sacrifice, No Cross No Crown, Receive Your Healing, Prayer of Jehoshaphat, Uncommon Success, Homosexuality: The Occult, Health and Psychological Dimensions, His Rod and His Staff, etc. These books are available on Amazon and other major book sites. He is also a member of the International Pentecostal Press Association ( IPPA ), Then, Double Honour ministry, Inc., and other reputable organisations. You can find Pastor Gabriel Agbo on Facebook, Twitter and on his website, E-mail him at [email protected].

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