Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Evolution Debunked! These Insane Animal Features Reveal Creation’s Glory

“God’s creation makes it abundantly clear that there has to be a Creator.”

Those words of wisdom come from David Rives, an adventurer who has devoted his life to researching and revealing God’s fingerprints of design throughout the universe. On a recent episode of the Greenelines podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network, this award-winning producer, documentary director, TV and podcast host tells Dr. Steve Greene how the tiny hummingbird reveals the mastery of God’s design.

“They’re the smallest bird on earth, the smallest warm-blooded creature, and yet they’re flying 34 mph; they’re flying forward, backward, side by side, hovering,” Rives says. “And at birth, they weigh less than a Post-It note placed in the palm of your hand.”

Rives says in preparation for a documentary about hummingbirds, he learned many amazing facts about these creatures, including what he calls “one of the most spectacular.” As they fly from flower to flower collecting nectar, “they can tell just by tasting that nectar what the sugar content is. … God has designed them in such a way that less than 10% sugar will not maintain their super-fast metabolism with a wing that is beating—not up and down, a wing that is beating in a figure-eight motion 80 times per second.”

This, he says, is faster than the world’s fastest drummer, according to the Guinness Book of World Records, who can move his drumsticks up and down at only 10 beats per second.

“Do you think that takes engineering and design?” Rives asks. He also points to the hummingbird’s rapid heart rate of 1200 beats per minute, also designed by God to support its rapid metabolism.

“Every time the hummingbird settles down at night It should die,” Rives says. “I mean, it really should not make it through the night without continually getting a new source of energy and source of nectar. And yet we still see hummingbirds, so we know something’s going on.”

To hear about the “miracle mechanism” Rives says points not only to the greatness of divine design but the fallacy of the theory of evolution, listen to the entire episode of Greenelines at this link, and subscribe to Greenelines for more inspiring stories like this one.

21 Verses
For more creation-based science from David Rives, check out his own podcast, The David Rives Show: Wonders Without Number, also on the Charisma Podcast Network, and find his book, 21 Verses Backed by Science, wherever fine books are sold. {eoa}

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