Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

In preparation to preach a Sunday morning sermon, the Lord revealed to me where the church is today. First of all, we understand that we have been made kings and priests unto Him and that we are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. Therefore, we must rule in this realm and in this generation.

He said to study the kings that ruled in the Bible. I began to see the kings were the only ones who could deliver their nation from the demonic forces against them. They were the only ones empowered and anointed to do it.

Before Kenneth E. Hagin died, he said that whatever happens to America is the fault of the church.

Next, a very interesting thing is that there were a total of 45 kings that reigned over Israel and Judah; after that came King Jesus. Notice that we have had 45 presidents over America, and now it is time for King Jesus to rule through the church until He returns.

We are kings reigning through Jesus during wartime. We are the warrior kings, like David, who will subdue the giants in our nation.

It’s time to take aggressive action and to be strong and courageous. This is not the appointed time for the Antichrist to reign. No! Instead, this is the time for the church to reign (2 Thess. 2:6-7).

Because Satan is already defeated, we can declare and make decrees against him. Jesus totally stripped his powers away from him and conquered him, making us more than conquerors. After Jesus did this, He turned around and handed us the keys and said, “Okay, it’s your turn to drive.” Now we command the devil to stop (Job 22:28; 30).

The current place of the church is revealed in the account of Esther. She was “chosen” out of all the provinces across the land; we are exactly the same. First Peter 2:9 says, “You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood.”

Next, she was “prepared” to reign, as many of us have had a lifetime of teaching and walking with God. Here is one of the important aspects: She was “in place” when the opposition came. We too have been made for this hour.

Here is Esther 4:13-14 (AMP), with America inserted to make clear to us the urgency of the hour.

“Do not imagine that you in the king’s palace can escape any more than all the Americans. For if you remain silent at this time, liberation and rescue will arise for the Americans from another place, and you and your father’s house will perish [since you did not help when you had the chance]. And who knows whether you have attained royalty for such a time as this [and for this very purpose]?”

They prayed and fasted and she moved in the wisdom of God, with a God-given strategy. The results was Esther 8:8 (AMP). Once again I inserted America to make this clear to us. “Also, concerning the Americans, write as you see fit, in the king’s name, and seal it with the king’s signet ring — for a decree which is written in the king’s name and sealed with the king’s signet ring may not be revoked.”

We are on assignment to free our nation. Let’s decree and declare the following edict in one voice and in unity across the body of Christ.


As of August 29, 2021

We, the people at (Church name) in (city, state) do hereby issue an edict across the United State of America. By the power in the name of Jesus, we stand against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this [present] darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) places. We command each of these entities to bow their knees in defeat at the cross of Christ Jesus and become His footstool. You will no longer rule in our cities, our states or our government.

This day, according to the revelation of what Jesus has done for us, we make a decree against you to stop all maneuvers against this country. We dismiss and cut off every giant that has come into our land. We call back all of our freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom to worship, freedom of choice and every freedom written in our constitution. We make a demand against all ungodly laws in our land to be reversed, to bring freedom to the unborn, freedom for our children and for every citizen of our country.

We bind up every evil scheme, strategy and trickery of the devil; and, by the power in the blood of Jesus, we break all ties to the enemy. We call all the liberties of our country to be enforced.

No longer will we stand idly by. Instead, we make our demand this day to restore the covenant that America made with God at the beginning of her existence. We now rescue our people from destruction and call them into the kingdom of God. We receive the end-time power of the Holy Ghost to keep this nation free. Lord, let Your awakening begin and continue until Jesus, our Lord, returns. So be it; to the glory of God, the Father. {eoa}

Ruth Parkinson and her husband, Tim, are associate pastors at Words of Life Church in Humble, Texas. She attended Bible school at The City of Light School of Ministry, Charles & Frances Hunter. Immediately after that, she became Hilton Sutton’s personal assistant. At the same time, God supernaturally opened the door for her to be the church pianist at Lakewood Church. Later she became employed at Lakewood Church under Pastor John Osteen as Joel Osteen’s assistant, who was over the television department. After Pastor John Osteen went to heaven and his son, Joel, became pastor, Ruth continued her position as his executive assistant. During the first 13 years of marriage, Ruth was unable to have children. By much prayer, God gave Ruth twin boys, who are now part of their music ministry. Presently, all four of the Parkinsons lead worship at Words of Life Church and she ministers the Word there on a regular basis. She has been ordained by Lakewood Church since 1988. Their family ministry, Parkinson Music Ministries, was formed in 2007.

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