Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Biblical Feasts: They’re Not Just for Jews Anymore

As millions across the globe celebrate Rosh Hashana (the Jewish new year), we should remember that biblical feasts are not just for Jews. That powerful word comes from Messianic Rabbi Curt Landry, who writes and speaks on the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. He believes God intends all of us to celebrate His feasts—and He tells us that in Scripture.

“The Festival of Tabernacles, the thing that’s so exciting about that, its central theme is to say, ‘God, I’m reminding You of Your covenant promises to me,” Landry tells Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of Greenelines on the Charisma Podcast Network, speaking of the upcoming feast in the Jewish calendar, Sept. 20-27. “But more importantly, God, You’re reminding me of the covenant promises You made tonight—me and my family.

“And so it’s just a fall refreshing, restarting, renewing,” Landry says. “And to me, I think it’s probably one of the most practical things, habits and patterns that people can do. And it comes from God. It’s not a Jewish thing per se. It’s a Judeo-Christian, biblical thing … in every place in the Bible where it talks about the festivals, or the feasts of the Lord, it says, ‘These are the feasts of the Lord.’

“It doesn’t say, ‘These are the feast of the Jews,’ although the Jews kept them; we keep them,” he adds. “But it also says these are everlasting covenants. And so what God’s saying is these are everlasting invitations. Jesus came not to cancel the law, but to fulfill it.

“So the invitation’s there,” Landry says. “Do you have to keep the feasts to be saved? Absolutely not. It’s just an invitation to be able to say, take your life as a No. 2 pencil that has become kind of dull all through the summer. And now in the fall feasts, you need to go to the pencil sharpener and sharpen your pencil to be able to start writing this new year out, clear and concise.

Landry says the prophetic importance of the current biblical year, 5782, makes the feasts even more significant. “Five is grace; seven is perfection. Eight is new beginnings, and two is covenant or union. … prophetically, this is biblical year 5782. This is a time where God takes over and God moves.

“And that’s why you want to go into the biblical feats. Because of the biblical feasts, you need to awaken, atone and renew your covenant. So let me say it this way: Awaken, get out of your spiritual bed, go take a shower in atonement and get dressed for your marriage covenant with God.”

For much more from Rabbi Curt Landry on the biblical feasts and why we should celebrate them, listen to the entire episode of Greenelines at this link, and subscribe to Greenelines on your favorite podcast platform. Visit for more information on the biblical feasts, and check out Landry’s podcast, Ancient Principles, Kingdom Authority, also on the Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

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