Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

The Truth About Dream Interpretation

On Live Your Best Life with Liz Wright, Liz had a powerful conversation with dream interpreter John Redenbo about the important insights available to us when we press into God’s nighttime communication. John shares that “Dreams are the love language of God to His children.”

Many believe there are three types of dreams: demonic dreams, soul dreams and God dreams. John went on a journey with the Lord where He taught him that there is actually no biblical precedent for demonic dreams in all 21 dreams recorded in Scripture, and only one mention of the soul! This radically changes our perspective of dreams, particularly ones that scare us. If we can trust the source, then we can feel safe to enter into the conversation with God and learn what He is communicating.

There’s a broader conversation that God is having with the body of Christ, and it becomes evident when you begin to compare words and dreams. John calls this “spiritual intelligence,” because it is so much more than interpreting one person’s dream and what that may mean for him or her personally. First Corinthians 13 says that we know in part and prophesy in part, but what if all those parts come together? What could happen if people in this generation rise up prophetically together?

John shares that the first step to interpreting dreams is to set your heart toward hearing from God in this way. We can ask God questions before going to sleep and go to bed with the expectation that He will speak to us! John recommends keeping a journal by your bed to write down your dreams as soon as you wake up. This is a key to stewarding and remembering your dreams. The more we steward them, the more God will use dreams to speak to us!{eoa}

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