Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

The Seduction of Socialism

Socialism is powerfully persuasive and almost solemnly seductive to the natural mind. It carries with it somewhat of a spiritual aura of “doing good to all men” (Gal. 6:10). In fact, its proponents, while denying the authority of Scripture and the existence of a Creator, will often argue the authenticity of socialism by appealing to the Bible for authority.

Good Replaces God

Social reformers love socialism. Socialism is a systemized substitute for the unselfish love and compassion God desires to flow from every human heart to his fellows made in God’s image. The apostle Paul exhorts, “let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith” (Gal. 6:10b, KJV). The unregenerate or biblically unbalanced human mind rationalizes in response, thinking, If we should do good to all men, why not devise a society to compel all to do good so as to achieve a just society?

Compulsion Replaces Conviction

Socialism is driven by pragmatism, not principles. The purported “good” ends justify ignoring the heart-driven means which, from God’s viewpoint, are as important as the ends. For the socialist, force supplants faith. Compulsion replaces heart conviction.

A Shift of Trust

It should be noted that the further both America and the entire West have drifted from our biblical roots and Judeo-Christian convictions, the more we embrace socialism as a deceptive substitute to accomplish care in the social order. Inevitably, the source of trust for care of others is shifted from God to collective government. This issue of trust is truly significant. It will become the defining “truth” of end-time worship as the ultimate world caregiver, a counterfeit Christ, seeks to provide peace and safety to the world through a counterfeit salvation, compelling all inhabitants of earth to receive his mark to secure the final utopian provision. It will truly test your trust.

Love Is Lost

Yet many will argue, “Didn’t the early church sell what they had, holding things in common, so that the needs of all were met (Acts 2:44-47)? Truly they did. However, their action was not driven by external compulsion but by internal conviction. Their genuine love of the Lord birthed a love for one another. The fruit revealed the root. “Behold how they love one another” became the living marketing motto in a pagan world to advance the message of salvation, turning man from a heart of sinful rebellion.

Government Replaces God

Why should we be surprised at Satan’s counterfeit in socialism? Why should we be shocked that the early seeds of socialistic utopianism revealed in Plato’s Republic and Sir Thomas More’s Utopia should be brought into focus by French revolutionary thinking in the rebellion of “enlightenment” and be brought to full birth by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels through the Communist Manifesto even as naturalistic Darwinism, a creation substitute, was also being born. Should we really be surprised that by the early 20th century, socialism had become the most potent political force in formerly “Christian” Europe?

Have You Been Seduced?

As the church reneges on its call to “love one another,” embracing the self-serving cry of the godless culture, democratically driven government increasingly fills the gap, leading inexorably toward a final shift of trust, paving the way for a global governmental savior.

Have you been seduced? Where do you put your trust? Are you willing to be part of a rebirth of New Testament Christianity for the 21st century where it can be truly said, “Behold how they love one another?”

Perhaps this is why the apostle Peter warned, “But the end of all things is at hand … and above all things have fervent charity among yourselves…Use hospitality one to another without grudging” (1 Pet. 4:7-9). Let the love of Christ constrain you.

Listen to this episode of VIEWPOINT on Charisma Podcast Network now to learn more about the seduction of socialism.

Chuck Crismier is an author, pastor, former trial attorney, president of SAVE AMERICA Ministries and host of the VIEWPOINT podcast on Charisma Podcast Network. Visit his website at, where his book Seduction of the Saints can be obtained.

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