Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Cindy Jacobs: God Is Sifting the Fiery Darts

The Lord says: “I am with you in the midst of the shaking. I am with you when the wind is blowing against you and when Satan is trying to take you down emotionally.”

I see different situations are hitting at your emotions like fiery darts, but the Lord says, “I am going to send my wind and my shaking, but it’s going to shake off the fiery darts of the enemy.” I have this picture in my mind—a picture of sifting. If you’re making a cake, you sift the flour sometimes so that the taste will be sweeter. The Lord says, “There is a sifting in your life; it’s going to sift out the fiery darts.” It’s going to take out those wounds and those things Satan has tried to inflict.

The Lord says, “At the moment, do not be surprised with the family situations, health situations and other things Satan sends your way. I will turn it around for you. I’m going to make you stronger. I’m going to make you better. I will heal your body. I’m going to heal your mind. I’m going to heal your family.” The Lord also says, “Understand this: My hand is in the sifting, to take out those wounds and those fiery darts Satan has sent against you, and you will come through victorious.”

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Cindy Jacobs is an author, speaker and teacher with a heart for discipling nations in the areas of prayer and prophetic gifts. She and Mike—her husband—co-founded Generals International in 1985. At nine years old, the Lord called Cindy when He urged her to read Psalm 2:8: “Ask of me the nations for your inheritance, and the ends of the world for your possession.” That small seed God planted many years ago has sprouted and grown into an international ministry, taking Cindy to more than 100 nations of the world, where she has spoken before hundreds of thousands, including many heads of nations.

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