Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Why God Needs Your Yes

Marsha Mansour was born in Egypt and emigrated to the United States when she was three. She has experienced a mighty God, so trusting Him for the impossible has always been normal to her. That’s what happens when the church you attend is on fire for God and your upbringing in the faith displayed the glory of God on a regular basis. When she discerned the weakened state of the church, she was undone. She began to intercede for the church and cry out to the Lord for divine intervention.

Then one day, the Lord asked Marsha, “Will you allow Me to use you to change the church?” She shared that her only response was “Yes, I must see the church revived!” She left full-time employment as a pastor and stepped out as a revivalist on fire for God. This occurred in January 2020 only months before everything closed due to COVID.

Marsha shared, “If there is ever a time God is setting us up for revival, it is now.” God gave her a prophetic word, and she has not looked back. Marsha was even able to pray at the United Nations for an awakening across the world. Listen to the prophetic word regarding the church and how it could impact your life. Which camp are you in—the remnant or the culture-driven?

What is your “yes” that you need to say to the Lord? God wants to do amazing things through you as you submit to His plan for your life. He created you for such a time as this. You live where you do to impact those around you. Your work location is not by accident, but you are to shine the light of Jesus to all you encounter. Your family, friends and community need you to say “yes” to the Lord. We are all a part of one body. If one section of one body does not work, then the whole body suffers. If the leg cannot walk, then forward movement is hindered. Joshua 1:9 declares, “Have not I commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

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