Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Revelation: Jesus Christ Unveiled

It’s impossible to accurately describe Jesus in a few words. Every book of the Bible unveils Him to us in various ways, with Revelation as its magnificent crescendo. The Passion Translation of Revelation begins with these words, “This is the unveiling of Jesus Christ” (Rev 1:1a., TPT) John, the book’s author, probably knew Jesus better than any person who ever lived, yet when he saw Him unveiled, he didn’t even recognize his best friend. This is a small portion of what he saw:

And walking among the lampstands, I saw someone like a son of man, wearing a full-length robe with a golden sash over his chest. His head and his hair were white like wool—white as glistening snow. And his eyes were like flames of fire! His feet were gleaming like bright metal, as though they were glowing in a fire, and his voice was like the roar of many rushing waters. In his right hand he held seven stars, and out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword. And his face was shining like the brightness of the blinding sun! (Rev. 1:13-16)

This otherworldly picture combines some of the most glorious descriptions of Jesus in Scripture. His feet were like molten metal, still freshly glowing as if coming directly from the burning altar. His voice resonated like thousands of angelic voices speaking at once, and somehow there was a sword coming out of His mouth. His face was shining like a localized star; still, John could perceive He was watching him with eyes that emanated an even greater light from within. Jesus unveiled Himself in previously unforeseen ways, to the point John fell down deprived of his senses. And yet these glorious words only represent a partial description.

At the time of this encounter, John had already penned four other books of the New Testament. He had witnessed the miraculous ways Jesus transcended the laws of nature—turning water into wine, multiplying food, stilling storms and walking on water. He was at the Mount of Transfiguration when God spoke audibly from heaven as Jesus underwent a radiant, supernatural metamorphosis. After the crucifixion, he saw the resurrected Christ suddenly appear after passing through solid walls, and he saw him ascend into heaven. Yet, as the entire book of Revelation reveals, there was more to Jesus than he could possibly know.

John was in solitary exile on the island of Patmos when he wrote Revelation. In his time of greatest loneliness and need, Jesus unveiled Himself as never before. Like John, you may be going through dark days, but Jesus hasn’t abandoned you. He loves you and wants to reveal Himself more intimately. The psalmist wrote, “My deep need calls out to the deep kindness of your love” (Ps. 42:7). Respond to His voice today, and cry out for a deeper revelation of Jesus. He has many things to show you, and He’s waiting for your reply.

Listen to this episode of The Whole Word Podcast on CPN now. {eoa}

Pitts and Mary Evans met at the University of South Carolina and have been married since 1981. They have three adult children, a daughter in-law, a son in-law and eight grandchildren. Pitts first attended Whole Word Fellowship with his parents in the late 1960s and early 1970s. He was later called to full-time ministry and currently serves as the senior pastor of WWF and the Northern Virginia House of Prayer. He is the voice of our weekday The Whole Word Podcast. Pastor Pitts also directs our international ministry, overseeing humanitarian efforts, combating human trafficking, ministering in pastor’s conferences, Bible schools and seminaries in other nations. His primary calling is for recruiting and equipping the bride of Christ through Bible teaching and preaching. His new book, The Wife of God, is available from Amazon.

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