Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Will All Christians Be Raptured?

There are two schools of thought regarding Christians in the rapture. Those who hold to pre-tribulation rapture doctrine believe all born-again believers will be raptured before the Tribulation starts. Then there are some Bible teachers who say that when the rapture takes place, it will be only a partial rapture. In other words, not all believers will be raptured.

If we are truly a born again, child of God, will God only take some of His children in the rapture? Would a good earthly father do this to His children, even if some of them can be quite carnal and immature? Does a partial rapture seem to go against the heavenly Father’s nature and love for His children?

Today, many claim to love Jesus, yet they are embracing many things opposed to His Word. To a large degree, the church has compromised the Word of God because it tolerates and embraces the culture’s lies about what they call love and perverts truth rather than stand for the truth in God’s Word. In Revelation 2:2, Jesus praised the church of Ephesus for not tolerating evil, and in Revelation 2:4, He chastised the church of Pergamum for tolerating sexual sin.

In the churches of today, you don’t hear much teaching about hell or the fear of the Lord. Where is the teaching that we are to resist sin, give no place to the devil and walk in holiness? These don’t seem to be popular topics. This abandonment of such important doctrine has led to the acceptance of a sinful lifestyle, a weak and carnal Christian walk and reluctance to condemn evil. How can these malnourished believers overcome the evil that is coming? We know repentance is the cure, but if many do not repent, will they be left behind?

Sadly, many will indeed be left behind only to face the trial of their lives—choosing to either take a stand for Christ or damn their souls by receiving the mark of the beast. The choice won’t be that simple. Without receiving the mark, no one will not be able to buy or sell anything. This includes the most common necessities in life. It’s sobering to think about, but the Bible instructs us to examine our heart motives, attitudes and actions on a regular basis.

“Examine yourselves, seeing whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not know that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you are disqualified” (2 Cor. 13:5).

“Examine yourselves, seeing whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not know that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you are disqualified” (2 Cor. 13:5, TLB).

Will the believers who live a sinful or compromised lifestyle really be raptured with Jesus Christ?

Listen to this episode of 23 Minutes in Hell on Charisma Podcast Network as Bill and Annette Wiese delve further into this critical topic.

For more information about Bill Wiese and Soul Choice Ministries please visit us at You can find more of Bill’s teachings at his YouTube channel.

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