Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Deceiver’s Playbook and the US in Bible Prophecy

We are living in an evil time of apostasy as prophesied by God. There are many coming events God foretells regarding the last days that are going to be amazing. False prophets are saying we need to strive to fix our country, to become the “hope” for the world; this unfortunately is in direct contradiction to what the Bible implies about our destiny. We are witnessing many deceptions taking hold.

When I share that God is telling us this “hope” will not occur until Jesus returns, some say I am negative and lack courage. They say we need to fight to change what is happening today. This is incorrect! God tells us the deceiver is the ruler of this world for a short remaining time. Fighting him is not courageous; it is futile for humanity, especially in these last days. God is the only one capable of doing battle with Satan; this is one purpose for the coming tribulation. When God tells us through prophecy that a series of world altering events must still arrive and provides us with a probable timeline for these events, we need to trust what He tells us.

We must accept the perceived difficult issues in the Bible with the same passion and faith that we accept the wonderful things like Jesus dying to save us, rising on the third day and sitting at the right hand of God the Father today. Every word in God’s precious book holds profound truth and purpose. We are wise to trust God alone, not false prophets, and to understand what must come before Jesus arrives as we have been told in advance for our comfort. There are things God still wants us to witness, for multiple glorious reasons, before His Son will return—all of them are blessings from God.

Listen to this episode of 24 End Time Prophecies with Pastor Rick Blomgren on Charisma Podcast Network for more on the deceiver’s playbook and the United States in Bible prophecies.

I offer two books on God’s 24 end-times prophecies. The first, my novel The Pastor of the Last Days, is an easy and exciting read. In two 4-hour sessions on a weekend, you can become well versed in all 24 end-times events. The final chapter will give you goosebumps! My second book, Stunned, is highly detailed, using history, world events and over 800 Bible verses providing strong evidence that the 24-prophecy model is fixed on firm biblical ground. Also, at our Revere Today Ministries website,, I offer free download of the 24 Prophecy Road Map along with the first chapters of both my books.

We live in an incredible moment in history. God is telling us an amazing story about what has already been fulfilled and what is about to arrive. It is all fantastic news for those of us that love and place all our trust in Jesus the Christ, our Messiah. {eoa}

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