Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Why Cultivating Christlike Character Matters

Have you ever met a person who seemed to have it all? They had looks, money, nice clothes, a great car, the right voice, great messaging, excellent gifts and skills. They were extremely charismatic, and they had a magnetic personality.

Do you ever stand back and envy the popular person—the one who seems to have the Midas touch; doors fly open for them; the Red Sea parts for them; and they majestically ascend platforms you only dream about?

Do you ever wonder what happened to the ones in the limelight for a season, and a year or two later they fizzle out until they’re altogether gone? Proverbs 18:16 (MSG) says, “A gift gets attention; it buys the attention of eminent people.” Yes, it is true that your giftedness will make room for you, but it is your character that will keep you in those rooms. This is the season where good character has to match your giftedness, or you will short-circuit your destiny.

Pre-pandemic, the church was lax, and many got away with a lot of things, but as we enter into post-pandemic, more will be expected of those who identify themselves as the church. Looking the part of the churched, acting the part but not measuring up to what you say you are will be totally unacceptable. Remember the story in Mark 11:12-25, when Jesus was hungry and saw this lush leafy fig tree from a distance. However, when He got to the tree, it was barren of figs. Many will spend thousands of dollars on degrees, put in many hours to perfect a sport or skill, invest time and money on maintaining their physical bodies but will not spend time or money to fix a flawed character trait.

You have to know you are worth the investment of time and money. If you are looking to remain in “the room where it happens,” to mingle with the prestigious and to stand on great platforms, you have to invest time into correcting character flaws and bad behavior. No matter what stage of ministry you are in or how gifted or skilled you may be, in order to remain before great men, be intentional in working on your character. If you are not sure of where to start, Galatians 5:19-26 is a great place because it deals with the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit. Good character is evidenced by manifested fruit in your life; good behavior is evidenced by a lifestyle lived in the Word of God and prayer.

If you would like to learn more, join me for this week’s episode of 180⁰ with Pastor Tracy on Charisma Podcast Network, Character Matters. {eoa}

Pastor Tracy Gittens is the founder of Weapons of War Global Prayer Watch and host of 180⁰ with Pastor Tracy on Charisma Podcast Network.

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