Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

How to Handle Frustration When Helping Your LGBTQ Loved One

When another Christ-follower doesn’t fit the typical mold of a Christian, many take a double look.

A woman wearing male clothing with male mannerisms or a man who has very feminine qualities would typically stick out in a church. The average Christian would desire to “love on” and assist in guiding this person, or anyone for that matter, in their journey with Christ. While this desire is normal and a quality every Christian should have, the way we go about it differs drastically from Christian to Christian.

When God is speaking to the hearts of His children, there is a process from the time of coming to God to seeing the fruit of change within their lives. As Christians, we are always growing, struggling and learning until the day we die. This is the process of salvation, sanctification and glorification. Although sanctification is a lifelong process upon this earth, the grace we try to extend to one another can bear horrific consequences.

During the sanctification process, the LGBTQ person coming to Christ needs the unconditional love of God extended to them. But many times, our love comes with restrictions. The most common restriction I run into is the strong desire to see the LGBTQ person “get over it” or “move on”.

Move on from what you ask? Many get frustrated when the LGBTQ person continuously struggles with their identity in Christ, sexuality or constant pull to want to go back to their old lifestyle because it’s familiar.

We must know that the process of sanctification is a daily process that we all are going through. The same grace and undeserved mercy that God extends toward us must also be extended to our fellow man, no matter their struggle. Grace and mercy is nothing we have earned. It is freely given to us from the Father despite ourselves. As Christians, we must do the same.

Listen to this episode of The Victory Is Greater Than the Struggle on Charisma Podcast Network, where Jessica Newsome discusses such matters of the heart and how to give yourself grace to learn to love the skin you’re in. {eoa}

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