Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Pastor Tony Evans Says You Can Make U-Turns to Find Success in Life

Have you ever felt like you’ve damaged your life so much with bad decisions that you don’t believe you can ever find your way out of the hole?

Dr. Tony Evans, a pastor, teacher, author and speaker, says he’s seen that type of discouragement in believers almost everywhere he goes. But he says with God, the damage isn’t irreversible, and nothing is impossible.

Evans wrote his book U-Turns, to help believers know that when they align their life choices with God by pursuing an intimate relationship with Him, they can experience the abundant life Jesus died to give them.

“So many people are living with regrets, failures, sins and circumstances that have negatively affected them because they’re having to live with the consequences,” Evans tells Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of Greenelines on the Charisma Podcast Network. “Sometimes it’s from their own decisions; sometimes it’s from the impact of the decisions others have made for them.

“And those consequences, those negative repercussions are discouraging them or limiting them and are causing them not to maximize their potential,” he says. “So, I wanted to write a book of hope.

“Yes, there are consequences to being a sinner and living in a sinful world,” Evans says. “But the beautiful thing about our faith is that the consequences don’t have to have the last say. They don’t always immediately disappear, but we no longer have to be held hostage to them. So, my writing the book was to give hope, based on the fact that God is a hope-giving God, even when we are dealing with the repercussions of our own decisions that have given us negative circumstances.”

For the rest of this encouraging interview with Tony Evans, listen to the entire episode of Greenelines at this link, and be sure to subscribe to Greenelines on your favorite podcast platform. {eoa}

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