Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophecy: God Is Looking for His Elishas

During a recent time of intercession, I was moved by the Holy Spirit. With my face turned toward heaven, I cried out three times, “Where is the Lord God of Elijah?” I was surprised by the intensity of the way I spoke, but was even more surprised when I heard God immediately answer, “Where is Elisha?”

That stopped me in my tracks and caused me to think about Elisha. I sensed that the Lord was asking about His servants, the ones fashioned in the spirit and character of Elisha—these are ones who get accelerated answers from God. Elisha cried out to God with that statement after he had received the double portion of Elijah’s spirit he had asked for. He saw Elijah taken up into the heavens, picked up his mantle that had fallen and struck the water with it:

“And he took the robe of Elijah that fell from him, and struck the water, and said, ‘Where is the Lord, God of Elijah?’ When he had struck the water, it parted from one side to the other, and Elisha crossed over” (2 Kings 2:14).

When Elisha was called by Elijah to follow him, he left everything to serve Elijah faithfully, as the disciples did with Jesus. Elisha was also not easily offended. In the last days before Elijah was taken, he admonished Elisha four times not to continue following him—Elisha refused to leave and stayed with him to the end. Elisha’s hunger for God was evident by his boldness to ask for a double portion of Elijah’s spirit; he persevered until the end and received what he had asked for.

God is looking for His Elishas in this hour who will be characterized by the greater works of Christ and of Elijah. Saints who are not easily offended when things are not going their way, or when the going gets tough. These are the sons who will now pay the price and rise to the occasion of the divine appointment for this hour. The Lord is looking for those who will give everything to follow Him wherever may He lead. In this critical season we must be positioned securely wherever the Lord would have us, and go wherever He sends us. God may be asking many to relocate to new regions and cities. When making these important decisions remember that the center of God’s will is always the safest and most secure place to be.

Leave Babylon!

I believe there is a spiritual movement God is presently orchestrating to reposition and relocate large portions of people in safe places and cities of refuge. In doing so He is preparing them for what is coming in the cities that are erupting in turmoil. The Lord declared in Luke 17 that days would once again come on the earth characterized by the days of Noah and the days of Lot.

“Just as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of Man. They were eating, drinking, marrying, and were given in marriage until the day when Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise as it was in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built. But on the day that Lot departed from Sodom, fire and brimstone rained from heaven and destroyed them all” (Luke 17:26-29).

Genesis 6 tells us that in the days of Noah the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and full of violence: ” God looked on the earth and saw it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth” (Gen. 6:12). It is important to step back and look at things in context to understand the flow of God’s movements and the trajectory of the progression of evil. With each diabolic milestone, the enemy merely regroups, rebuilds and returns wiser and stronger than before.

There are times where God course correct the world’s downward slide it periodically takes as iniquity has its way. In the 20th century, God did this approximately every 40 years. At the beginning of the 1900’s the corruption in the earth led the world on a course toward World War I initiated by Germany. Nevertheless, God moved to bring victory on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 1918. There was tremendous joy and celebration as the world heaved a great sigh of relief. The downward slide resumed, falling to its lowest levels of gross evil under Adolf Hitler, that exploded into World War II—again initiated by Germany. During this period, God raised up a man for the hour: Winston Churchill sounded the trumpet and with the allied nations paved the way to victory in 1945.

After the shock and trauma of this ferocious war, the weary world began to heal. Then the world quickly entered the Cold War. In the 1980s God again moved to bring relief and raised up a man for the hour. In 1987, Ronald Reagan boldly released the anointed decree to Mr. Gorbachev to “…tear down this wall.” The world once again breathed a sigh of relief when as communist governments were replaced, the walls across Europe simultaneously began to come down, including the notable Berlin Wall. There was great jubilation, and a period of joy and peace came upon the earth. Yet, even as everyone was talking about peace, the storm clouds began to gather once again. Evil never gives up!

During the times surrounding both world wars significant shifts began to take place with Israel and the Jewish people. After close to two thousand years, in the period before and during World War I there began an Aliyah of Jewish people making their way home. That trickle became a flood After World War II, as persecuted Jews of Europe went home to initiate the rebirth of the nation of Israel in 1948. Read full article here. {eoa}

Faith Marie Baczko is the president of Headstone Ministries International—a ministry that is rich and robust in the purposes and plans of God. She is a prophetic teacher and author, bringing significant revelation to mobilize, equip and strengthen the body of Christ for this momentous hour of history. Faith is an international speaker and has garnered enduring relationships with leaders united in passion for truth and enduring revival. Faith is an author of several books. Her latest release, now available on Amazon, is called A Rising Called For!

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