Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Do You Believe Supernatural Healing Miracles Happen Today?

Last week, while speaking at a conference, the woman approached me.

She said, “The Lord said that if I would come to you and ask you to pray, I would be healed.”

I stopped and prayed with her. I did not, at that moment, have time to hear what the problem was, but I felt the compassion of the Lord rise inside my heart for her.

The following day, she came to me again and put her leg up on a chair, twisting it around so I could see the back of her right foot. There, on her heel, was a large outline of discoloration. The heel was perfectly normal except for this discoloration.

She began to tell me that there had been a deformity there within the outline. The discoloration was the place where there was once a deformity or tumor of some sort. She said she woke up with it completely gone the morning after we prayed! She was healed! Isn’t Jesus so good! Join me on the Move Forward Podcast with Dr. Kim Maas as we hear about God’s miracles of healing.

I know Jesus heals today because I see it in my travels and ministry. This woman’s is just one testimony of the miraculous healing of the Lord.

My friend and minister, Joanne Moody, not only sees it, but she has also experienced the miraculous healing of her own body. Join me for her story on my podcast Move Forward with Dr. Kim Maas on the Charisma Podcast Network. Hear how God healed her in one single moment after years of doctors, surgeries, near death and tremendous pain.

If you need healing, or if you desire to see healing by operating in this wonderful gift of the Holy Spirit, this is a must listen podcast episode. In Exodus, God announced to His people that He is their healer. Healing is part of His nature and the Old Covenant. Isaiah the prophet tells us that by His stripes (foreseeing the scourging and lashes Jesus would endure before the crucifixion), we are healed.

Healing is part of the atonement, the work of Christ in his death on the cross. Healing is also part the New Covenant. Jesus, when he came into a town, would heal the sick and then announce, “The kingdom of God has come near you.” Jesus told His disciples to do the same, and they did. They still do.

You will also want to listen in to my conversation with Dr. Randy Clark on the Move Forward Podcast with Dr Kim Maas. Clark’s healing ministry is known internationally. You can also listen to Candice Mishkin, who, in our conversation on the Move Forward Podcast with Dr. Kim Maas, explains how she was miraculously healed and delivered from a 20-year addiction to drugs. She now travels the world to set captives free from every kind of demonic bondage.

He is the God who heals! {eoa}

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