Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

You Are the God-Dreamed Solution to This World’s Problems

The wisdom of God is beautiful to me; His heart and His ways are higher than ours! The way He sees is different from the way we see. When we take His perspective, we grow in Him; we come up higher into His reality and begin to live from the reality of heaven. Recently the Lord was speaking to me about the dreams of His heart and how different they are from ours. When we think of dreams, we often think of graduating college, buying our first home and getting married. However, God dreams in people. Let that sink in for just a minute!

You are His dream; you are the God-created solution to the problems this world faces: Your personality, gifting, talents and opportunities are all uniquely arranged in the beautiful tapestry of you. You are one unique person never seen before and never to be seen again! The beauty of you is irreplaceable. That is the reason why God hates sin, sickness and death; it disfigures the beauty of who He created you to be.

When you were created in the eyes and image of God, you were intended to display His glory, His character, His spirit and His will! When we see a problem, we create a solution in the form of a program, project, movement and so on. When God sees a problem, He creates a person. He sent His Son Jesus to be the propitiation for our sin. Jesus is the solution to sin, and when we place our faith in Him, we are credited with the gift of righteousness. This gift of righteousness is graciously given based on the work of Jesus and not our religious law-keeping.

He places His desires into His children’s hearts to reach a hurting and dying world, including the desire to evangelize. When you begin to see people the way He does, you can honor and receive from the beauty of the person sitting next to you. I see the dreams of God sitting on street corners, lying down in alleyways and scrounging for food in dumpsters. Our ministry mandate is to reach the lost and minister to the hurting by bringing together the church from every denomination to fulfill the Great Commission.

I love ministering on the streets and declaring the extravagant love of God through Jesus. When we begin to tell them how valuable they are to God and us, the result is astounding. We tell them that when they receive Jesus as their Savior, He becomes their forgiveness, righteousness and redemption.

We declare the truth of what Jesus has accomplished for them through His sacrifice on the cross and how they can receive good because God’s justice against their sin has been exacted in the body of Jesus. When the gift of righteousness and the blessing of God is declared over them, you can see the joy and mercy streaming into their hearts, often flowing down from their eyes in the form of tears.

The word salvation here in this verse is soteria which means salvation, healing, wholeness, soundness of mind, deliverance and protection from evil. I truly believe in the Word of God and the power of the gospel to heal, deliver and prosper every individual regardless of their situation. The new covenant of grace is defined as unmerited favor with God; this is how we can receive the good we do not deserve. Whether it is the salvation of our souls, healing for our bodies or deliverance from our enemies.

I see the gospel’s power working first hand in hearts as hardness and hopelessness melt away from encountering love Himself. We need each member of the body of Christ fully functioning in their God-given and ordained callings, calling others into the goodness of God in their spheres of influence.

To learn more, listen to this week’s episode of Revealing Jesus with Christina Perera on the Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

Check out the whole article on the blog, which is full of Scripture, “Dreams of God”. Be sure to visit the store to get your One Collection shirt—one King, one body and one heart—With one mission, we reach a lost, hurting and dying world! Be sure to subscribe to the show and never miss another episode!

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