Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Prophetic Word From Azusa Street Culminating in Present-Day Awakening, Pastor Says

Charisma News Director of Content Development Jeff Struss made a recent trip to California. While there, he visited the Bonnie Brae House in Los Angeles where the glory fell on a small group of believers seeking the baptism of the Holy Ghost—the famed Azusa Street Revival. Unbeknownst to him, Pastor Myles Rutherford of Worship With Wonders Church in Marietta, Georgia, was there the next day for the 115th anniversary of the day the fire fell.

Both men report incredible stories of manifestations of the Spirit during their time at Bonnie Brae. Struss says he heard of healings and other miracles, and Rutherford says, “You definitely feel the presence of the Lord.” But Rutherford is even more excited about a prophetic word connected to Azusa Street that he believes is now coming to pass.

The prophetic word was given simultaneously by two revivalists, Charles Parham and William Seymour, who lived several states apart but were both central figures in the Azusa Street Revival. “And they both said this: that in about 100 years from now, there would be a major revival that would hit the nation, the world,” Rutherford says. “And the shekinah glory would be even stronger and would do more than the Azusa Revival had done. It would be ever-stretching or farther-reaching,” he says.

Both men, with no phones or other means of communication, gave the same word at the same time, Rutherford says. “When we went [to the Bonnie Brae House], that was exactly 115 years after that prophetic word from that revival had been given. And I just think it’s incredible, because I feel like the Lord spoke to me that COVID was not only a plague and a pandemic, but also a purge of the church, and that there would be some things that would happen that would shake the heavens and God would be doing it to set up revival for the nations.”

Rutherford also references a 2018 New Year’s word the Lord gave him that said, “I’m going to do something in the nations that’s going to shake the nations, but it will set up revival for the nations. And there will be political upheaval as well as racial tension.”

Rutherford adds that today, fewer people than ever are attending church, and 66% of people who used to attend have now left the church. But that’s not at all what he sees in the Pentecostal-charismatic church, where, he says, “The hunger of the people is amazing. I’ve never seen it on this level in the last 20 years, so I really feel like that prophetic word is culminating right now. And there is a great awakening in our nation. I believe that fully.”

For more from both Jeff Struss and Myles Rutherford about the Bonnie Brae House and about how God is moving to bring revival today, listen to this entire episode of the Strang Report podcast at this link. And be sure to subscribe to the Strang Report on Apple Podcasts or your favorite podcast platform. {eoa}

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