Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophecy: It Is Time to Unshackle the Prophetic

As I was in a time of worship, the Lord brought back to me a word He had given me for Australia. He highlighted one of the key elements of the word that focused on the prophetic in the nation of the nation. While this word is on my heart for my nation, I believe, if it speaks to your spirit, you can grab hold of it—regardless of where you live.

He said “I am unshackling the prophetic in this nation. Can you feel my Spirit rising?”

I could see a picture of a pair of arms that were held captive by heavy arm chains. They were convict chains.

I sensed the Spirit say that there has been a long season where the prophetic movement has been held in shackles in the nation of Australia, but God has declared that it is time to set the captives free. He is unshackling the prophetic in His people.

“Bring forth the blind people who have eyes, and the deaf who have ears” (Isa. 43:8).

As He declared the unshackling, I saw the shackles fall to the ground and I immediately saw a picture of Uluru with the waters running over it, and I felt the Spirit say that this act will allow the rivers to flow in the deserts and roads to be built in the wilderness. (See Isa. 43:18-19).

In the natural, we have seen in recent months a drenching of our land, waterfalls running that have not in years and even water pouring down the sides of Uluru. God is moving, and His heart is to restore the spiritual gifts, including the prophetic, to its valued place in the church. This will bring a profound effect on the greater society of Australia as His children begin to walk fully again in their inheritance.

There is a deep stirring that is coming across the Australian body of Christ, a deep yearning to hear and know God. As I wrote this, I sensed that a revival angel has been released across this nation who is stirring up the gifts.

I sense the Spirit saying we are in a season where we can only operate “Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of Hosts” (Zech. 4:6b).

The Lord has sent His forerunners ahead. He has planted in areas churches and ministries that have been cultivating the prophetic atmosphere that He is ready to release across the nation. They are the ones that God has called to raise their voices and prepare the way of the Lord (Isa. 40:3).

Those who have inclined their ear to Him will be blessed as they have moved according to His will and borne through the enemy’s opposition. They have borne the Joel 2:28 mandate with a devotion unto the Lord:

“And it will be that, afterwards, I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; then your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions.”

As we approach the time of Pentecost, there is a stirring in the Spirit that provision is on the way. Over Easter, there was a fresh wave of faith to grab hold of the resurrection power of Jesus, and now as we approach Pentecost, there is a stirring of the Spirit that will see a new release of His Spirit to drench people, just as the land has been drenched.

I sense that the Father is asking us to lift our gaze and see what He is doing in this hour. He is a good God, and He is stirring up the spiritual gifts to bless the body and release revival in the nation.

It is a time be prepared; it is time to dig the wells in preparation for the Spirit’s move. I sense Him saying to us: Are you ready to steward what I am about to do? Have ears to hear and eyes to see; perceive the new thing that He is doing, so you are not caught unaware of the hand of God upon this moment in our nation.

The Father’s heart is to see the church arise as the beautiful and beloved bride that Jesus desires and for which He is ready to return (Rev. 19). {eoa}

Charissa Steffens is a writer and teacher with a passion for the prophetic and scripture. Through her ministry Abiding Matters, she loves to see people come closer to Father God. She hosts the podcast Abiding Matters with Charissa Steffens on Charisma Podcast Network and writes for various online Christian publications. She is the former editor-in-chief of Indulge Magazine. She holds a Bachelor of Business, post graduate diploma in education, and a Master of Arts in Biblical studies. To contact Charissa or learn more visit Abiding Matters.

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