Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Are You Ready to Move Into Your Promised Land?

After wandering in the wilderness for some 40 years, the Israelites were undoubtedly ready to move on and enter the promised land. Their time had been hard, but they had learned some important lessons along the way.

Therefore, when Joshua sent spies into Jericho, they knew not to make the mistake of giving a negative report, like the previous 10 spies who had paid with their lives. This new generation of spies came back to Joshua with a faith-filled report that God was giving them the Land, and they were ready to go in and possess it.

When it was time to start moving, Joshua instructed the Levites to take up the ark of the covenant and go on ahead of the people. God was leading the way—not through a pillar of fire or a cloud but through the ark of the covenant, which now housed His presence.

When they arrived at the Jordan River, it was flooded, and the muddy waters were deep. But the priests were told to step into the water with the ark. God was going into the waters first!

Are you standing at the edge of your own flooded and scary Jordan River? Is there a difficulty or obstacle keeping you from entering the promised land and experiencing the promises of God for your life?

The lesson here is to step into the waters because God has already gone in ahead of you. He is preparing the way before you, but you must step out in faith. Are you ready?

To learn how God prepared the Israelites to step out in faith, join me for this week’s Out of Zion podcast episode, Are You Ready?, on the Charisma Podcast Network. Walk Thru the Bible with me each week by downloading our Bible reading plan, and get started reading right away! Invite your friends and family to join us! I can’t wait to Walk Thru the Bible with you! {eoa}

Dr. Susan Michael is USA Director of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem and host of the Out of Zion podcast.

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