Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Rabbi Curt Landry Reveals the Kingdom Benefits When Believers Celebrate Passover

This Sunday marks the biggest day of the year for Christians—Easter. However, Rabbi Curt Landry says believers would reap tremendous kingdom benefits for celebrating Passover—which began last Saturday and ends on April 4—also known as Resurrection Sunday.

By observing Passover this week, Landry says Christians can come to partake in God’s four cups—sanctification, the plague offering, redemption and praise.

“There are four cups in Passover, and I want to talk to you about patterns because patterns are what brings you peace,” Landry told Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of Greenelines on the Charisma Podcast Network. “The first cup is sanctification, and that means that you’re being separated from the cause and effect of your sin. That was the cup Jesus was drinking when He said, ‘drink this cup in remembrance of me.’ … All of these patterns are really interesting to build peace and trust in the hope and love in people’s lives.

“If you look, you have four Gospels, and in the four Gospels, it’s the same pattern you see,” Landry says. “The four prominent sacrifices of the Old Testament are emphasized. In Matthew. You have the death of Christ, which figures as a trespass offering. That’s the sanctification. In Mark, you have the sin offering, which the wages of sin are death. That’s the plagues. In Luke, there is the peace offering, when you have redemption. Your sins are paid for, and that’s your peace. And then in John, there’s a burnt offering. And anytime you live a lifestyle where you’re reproducing God’s habits on earth, you’re going to be closer to having God’s heaven on earth. …

“If you go to Psalm 23, it says, ‘The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want,'” Landry adds. “But it also comes down to the end after you go through the valley of the shadow of death. It says the Lord will prepare a table for us in the midst of our enemies. That table is Passover.

“In Exodus 23, verse 20, it says this is a covenant promise for putting your feet under the table,” he says. “It gives you a promise of divine protection. In verse 22, there is positioning and alignment that provides you protection from your enemies. In verse 24, commissioning and divine authority are released. In Exodus 23 through 25, there is supernatural health and kingdom prosperity. In verse 26, there is convent protection for multiplication and longevity of life. In Exodus 23:7, there is a godly release of fear and respect from your enemies. And in verse 28, there are nine blessings. The Lord will drive out your enemies.”

For more of Curt Landry’s teaching on Passover, please listen to this entire episode of Greenelines. {eoa}

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