Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

How to Recognize the Voice of God in Your Life

Jesus loves to talk. Do you love to listen? Are you as eager to hear the voice of the Lord as Jesus is eager to speak to you? Your yes to Him will open a door in your life that you would not think was possible.

Despite our human ability to hear, there are three main reasons why we do not hear the voice of the Lord. The first factor is time. It can be a challenge to set aside time on a daily basis to be quiet and listen. That said, there was a specific reason why Jesus told us to go into our private room when praying to the Father, who is in the secret place (Matt. 6). Silence. If we are going to be able to hear the still small voice (1 Kings 19:12), we need to train ourselves in loneliness, in silence, in focusing and in listening. Dedicated and consecrated time is therefore crucial.

Second, there exists a war of voices that livestreams nonstop to us: TV, news media, entertainment and social media. It is a mere challenge to pick out anything specific among all those voices, that possibly could be a rhema from the Lord.

Third, we do hear a voice. However, we are not sure if the voice we hear may actually be the voice of the living God or just our own thoughts.

Every human voice is distinct in voicing, color and tonality. Likewise, the voice of Jesus is too. He emphasizes this particularly in John 10:27, saying “My sheep hear My voice.” In other words, those who belong to Him will recognize His distinct, caring and loving voice.

In Revelation 320 (NKJV), Jesus says: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.” There are three important words in this verse that deserve a closer look; “behold”, “if”, and the word “and.”

“Behold” means simply “watch out, read carefully.” “If” implies that there is a condition and a consequence following, depending upon our choice. Finally, the word “and” tells us that there is a second condition hidden here. Something else will happen or become true, only when both are fulfilled. The two conditions are “hearing the voice of Jesus” and “opening the door” (to your heart).

When you do according to these two, then Jesus will come in and dine with you. The most amazing “date” will take place—100% focus from Jesus toward you; exchanging words unheard of before; fresh thoughts from heaven; secret things revealed; plans, distinct plans for your life. It’s possible! By taking time in silence, listening only, you train your ears to recognize the voice of Jesus. Then, the Father, who sees in secret, will reward you openly. This is an invitation. Jesus loves to talk. Do you love to listen?

Then listen to Reformation Scandinavia on the Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

Terje and Helene Nordboe are the founders of Nordboe Ministries, School of the Supernatural, Sweden, Scandinavian Prophetic Institute and Gothenburg Christian School of Business. The base of their ministry is Gothenburg. Terje and Helene are passionate to raise up a new generation with bold believers who are running with the fire of God. Read more at

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