Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

It was the most talked about wedding in years.

The bridegroom was on everybody’s lips as they eagerly awaited his coming.


The moral of this story told in Scripture? You will reach higher if you prepare. All that it takes might be just some extra oil.

The story of this wedding comes from the parable of the wise and foolish virgins. It is found in Matthew 25. Jesus states that the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to 10 virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.

Five of them were said to be foolish. However, they did not know at the time that they were foolish. It became obvious later. Every virgin thought that the bridegroom would come at the announced time. For some reason, he was delayed.

Reaching midnight, all 10 virgins had fallen at sleep. Then, a cry was heard. This was the signal they all had been waiting for, “The bridegroom is coming!” Have you ever experienced waking up suddenly, not actually knowing where you are, and not really thinking straight? Five of them had such a moment now. As they started trimming their lamps, they realized they were about to run out of oil. The lamps would not last shining through the night.

The five foolish virgins knew where to buy extra oil, although not many shops were still open passed midnight. They had the needed finances. They hurried back and forth as fast as they could, only to discover that the bridegroom had passed the waiting point. He had already entered the wedding building. Knocking eagerly at the main entrance, even speaking with the bridegroom personally, the only answer they received was “I do not know you!”

All 10 virgins had the same chance to be part of the grand wedding. Only five of them were prepared. The wise virgins had been at the shop and bought extra oil beforehand—just in case anything unforeseen occurred. The other five missed the wedding because other things claimed their focus.

Whatever has our attention is what comes first in our lives. Whatever is important to us, we invest in, both time and resources. Jesus says, “Seek first the Kingdom of God”. We are now living in serious times. No one knows when Jesus will return. However, we need to be prepared with extra oil for our lamps.

There are so many things that want to steal our focus. We say that we want true change and revival, though every revival starts within us. Wherever we want to see a transformation, it starts with you and me. It starts with preparation, “to be ready at all times”.

The gospel of Mark encourages us to take heed, to watch and to pray. Are you praying and communicating with the heavens to make sure you are tuned in with your Father? And are you prepared to meet the bridegroom when Jesus returns in His full glory? Preparation mean focus. Focus on the most important things in life, the intimate life with Jesus, our bridegroom and lover.

Tune into this episode of Reformation Scandinavia with Terje and Helene Nordboe on the Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

Terje and Helene Nordboe are the founders of Nordboe Ministries; School of the Supernatural, Sweden; Scandinavian Prophetic Institute and Gothenburg Christian School of Business. The base of their ministry is Gothenburg. Terje and Helene are passionate to raise up a new generation with bold believers who are running with the fire of God. Learn more at

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