Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Why Your Worship Is a Weapon for Spiritual Warfare

At the beginning of 2020, I recorded a podcast and shared an article called “The 3 Devils of Coronavirus.” One spiritual operation I referenced was an effort to suffocate the church by closing the doors and cutting off worship. The Christian church in America, having been a place of regular congregational worship for hundreds of years, found itself under duress as the pandemic began to raise its ugly head around the world. In some parts of the U.S., churches were engaged in legal battles to keep worship services ongoing. In one of the more blatant displays of the devil’s plans, one California county tried to ban recording worship services to stream online. Some might consider this and say maybe it was for the best, just close the church doors until it’s safe. But as always, Satan revealed the true intent of closing the churches. I personally have no judgment or condemnation for anyone who kept open or closed their churches as long as it was driven by God’s direction, but I do believe that Satan used the coronavirus as an opportunity to try to accomplish his goals.

I believe that the continual worship that has gone on in America has kept the nation from becoming completely apostate. It has propelled us to a nation of unmatched strength and influence throughout the world. No matter if it is public worship as a group or the individual worshiper in private, it must continue.

In John 4:23, Jesus says that God is looking for true worshippers to worship Him. Satan desires the U.S. to become like two other areas of the world that are close in strength and influence, Europe and China. Much of Europe is quickly falling away from the Christian faith, and in China, they destroy churches, arrest Christian leaders and have even banned many online ministry efforts.

Part of God’s plan to propel the church forward includes the freedom of worship for the American people. As Christians, we must continue to fight and not allow our worship to be silenced.

Make sure you check my recent episode of Kingdom Authority, titled Warfare in Worship. I speak with Kezia Alford on the warfare that takes place in worship. {eoa}

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