Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Deliverance Minister: Follow the Holy Spirit’s Lead

Do you believe in demons? Many Christians don’t. I can’t count the number of people who have come to my ministry for a deliverance session without knowing what they were getting themselves into.

When I realize I am ministering to someone who is skeptical or ignorant of the demonic realm, I start by asking whether they believe in angels. The usual reply is yes. Then I ask if they believe in demons. Most people either hesitate or say no.

The truth is we live in a fallen world. Satan was once the beautiful angel Lucifer, but he allowed pride and rebellion to arise. In the Scriptures we read that one-third of the angels were cast out of heaven with him. How can we read the Bible and think demons don’t exist? We can’t pick and choose which parts of the Bible to believe and which to ignore. The fight between good and evil is a very real battle, and Satan opposes anything that is God’s will, including God’s plan for our lives.

The Battle Plan

To defeat the enemy, we must know his plans and purposes, expose them and eradicate his attacks. How do we fight and resist something we can’t see? Knowledge is power, and when we follow the example of Jesus and prophetic insights from the Holy Spirit, we will have everything we need to know to engage in and win the battle set before us.

The forces of darkness have one main assignment: creating obstacles and roadblocks to delay and detour our destinies. We want to move forward in our spiritual journeys and in our destinies. Demonic spirits attempt to establish barriers and set up perimeters to prevent our forward movement.

The devil causes these restrictions in our lives, but Jesus came to teach us how to fight strategically. When we follow the ministry of deliverance Jesus practiced—how He prayed, cast out demons, healed the sick and ministered—and allow ourselves to be guided by the Holy Spirit, we will learn how to defeat the devil. Jesus conquered the powers of death and destruction at the cross. He defeated the enemy by His notable victory. We need to be an extension of that victory, walking in the fullness of God and manifesting His kingdom on earth.

This cannot be done with natural tools but rather by relying on the strength of the Holy Spirit. Natural wars are fought with powerful military artillery: tanks, missiles and guns. However, it is the strategies of those in command that set up how to attack the enemy. Even though there are natural battle tools, soldiers must learn how to move strategically through study, experience and following orders.

In the spiritual realm we, too, need insights on how to move strategically. We can take actions we believe to be appropriate such as fighting with Scripture, praying on our knees and reading books on spiritual combat, but it’s possible God has a different plan. Moving in the Spirit is just that: moving in the Spirit and following Him as our weaponry commander. It is allowing Him to show us how to move strategically. It is getting to know the Holy Spirit and yielding to Him. This empowers us to fight and win an invisible war.

Just as a military commander tells the soldiers under his command which guns to fire first and how much ammunition to put forth at the enemy, the Holy Spirit directs us to the weapons and the methods He wants us to use. He tells us when and what Scriptures to release. He leads us to pray in tongues or decree and declare in our native language. He gives us strategic moves to come against the enemy if we follow His direction instead of the knowledge we have gained in the natural. If you desire to fulfill all the purpose for which God created you, it is essential that you allow the Holy Spirit to lead in everything you do and to show you how to conquer military battles in the spiritual realm. {eoa}

Excerpted from Chapter 1 of Prophetic Spiritual Warfare by Kathy DeGraw.

Kathy DeGraw is a prophetic deliverance minister. She is the founder of Kathy DeGraw Ministries and K Advancement LLC. Kathy hosts a podcast show called Prophetic Spiritual Warfare on the Charisma Podcast Network. She is the author of several books: Prophetic Spiritual Warfare, Speak Out, Discerning and Destroying the Works of Satan and Unshackled. She is empowering people and setting the captives free through her many e-courses at You can connect with Kathy on Facebook at or visit

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