Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Vision: The Lord Will Unify Prophets in 2021

On the morning of Dec. 31, 2020, I was asking the Lord what He wanted to say for 2021. I immediately went into a vision of an eagle and a hawk perched next to each other.

The eagle moved its left leg to grab at the hawk’s right talon (positioned to the eagle’s left). My sense was that eagle was trying to slightly agitate the hawk. Then I had a sense that eagle and the hawk were meant to be “working in tandem together.”

As I continued to do some practical research, I found that, typically, eagles and hawks do not get along naturally. I already knew spiritually both have great positive meaning and significance, especially prophetically because of their keen eyesight. I also discovered eagles typically fly alone or with their mate, and hawks will sometimes fly in flocks known as “kettles.”

The differences in hunting technique were also significant: “Both eagles and hawks have keen eyesight which facilitates detection of food. Eagles fly and hunt their prey in the air and carry it in the claws to the nearest perch where they will tear it apart and eat. Hawks often hide in the trees until potential prey appears. Once the prey is detected, hawks rapidly leave their perches and attack by using the element of surprise.”

We know that eagles soar higher than hawks, mostly due to wing span. Though, after reading about their hunting strategies, it became clearer to me that the Lord wants to use the strength of the eagle and the hawk to work together as both have different strengths and “territories” of air.

I believe this year the Lord will unify the prophets from different streams and camps like we haven’t seen before (a theme that was in several of the prophetic words I released last year), to work together to capture “prey” (our adversaries and the enemies’ strategies). It will be through the unity of the same offices first within the body and eventually greater unity within the fivefold.

The eagle and the hawk are both raptors belonging to the same family but different species. Eagles are known for their strength and muscular legs. I believe the eagle will strengthen the other camps of prophets and fivefold ministers. It may feel like agitation at first, but they will strategize and work together expose and “hunt” the Lord’s enemies.

Finally, “Eagles have a wingspan of eight feet, while most hawks have a wingspan of less than five feet.” The number eight represents restoration and new beginnings, and the number five represents grace. I believe the wingspans are symbolic of the depths and heights the Holy Spirit will take us in this next season.

The Holy Spirit revealed another reason why the eagle agitated the hawk. He was using the eagle to broaden the wingspan of the hawk to grow into the full measure of five feet that would enable the hawk to soar to higher heights.

Similar to the process where iron sharpens iron, there is both a growth process and a grace for the restoration of all things. There is a specific grace for the restoration, new beginning and growth of the fivefold ministry that will be ignited in growing pains and propelled by unity.

“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens [and influences] another [through discussion]” (Prov. 27:17, AMP).

Amy Sutherland is the founder of Ablaze Global Productions, a production company formed from her dual call to minister to the church and the unreached around the globe. Investing years in ministry and the entertainment industry, she has had the opportunity to develop her gifts in a unique way for such as time as this, from award-winning actress and producer to speaking and ministering prophetically worldwide, she desires to awaken and make ready a fiery bride for her King. Amy is a graduate of Marilyn Hickey Bible College and Iris Harvest School of Missions (Africa).

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