Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

James Goll: The Unlimited Power of Prophetic Intercession

While the term is not found anywhere in the pages of Scripture, “prophetic intercession” is powerful because it allows you to lean into the heart of God and then pray His heart back to Him in accordance with His will.

Finding Words for Scriptural Principles

As far as I know, airplanes are not in the Bible.

School buses and bicycles are not mentioned, either.

The book of Leviticus does not say anything pro or con about contact lenses or television.

The term “Trinity” is not found anywhere in the Bible. Were you aware of that?

“God in three persons, blessed Trinity.” It’s in one of our greatest church hymns, “Holy, Holy, Holy.” It’s in some of our recited church history creeds. It has to be used in the Bible, somewhere, right? No. It isn’t.

Neither is the phrase Sunday school.

Now some of you just said, “I knew it the whole time!”

Does that mean Sunday school is unscriptural?

No. There are just some things that are not included in the Bible in so many words—although the applicable principles are.

That is the case with most of what I call the seven models of prophetic communication. In fact, I devoted an entire chapter to this non-biblical phrase in my book, The Prophet.

Though the principles of these seven diverse prophetic communication tools have been drawn 100% from the Bible, you will not technically find these words listed out anywhere in any of the gift lists in the pages of Scripture.

Prophetic Intercession Is Revelatory Prayer

Revelatory prayer is one of the most common expressions of the prophetic spirit and is often referred to as “prophetic intercession.”

These are God-directed prayers, not preaching or exhortation.

Inspired by God and directed back to Him, they make it possible for you to pray effectively and according to God’s will.

On your own, you cannot come up with prayers that hit the mark so accurately. Since these prayers are inspired by the Spirit of God, they express the desires of His heart back to Him. Often, they express much more than you could have understood in the natural (on your own) about a given matter.

Prophetic Prayers Are Recorded in the Bible

Paul wove some into his epistles, for example this one:

“May the very God of peace sanctify you completely. And I pray to God that your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is He who calls you, who also will do it” (1 Thess. 5:23­–24).

In the New Testament, other prophetic prayers, both long and brief, include Luke 1:67–79, Ephesians 3:16–19, Philippians 1:9–11, Colossians 1:9–12, Romans 15:5–7, Romans 15:13, 1 Thessalonians 3:9–13, 2 Thessalonians 1:11–12 and 2 Thessalonians 3:1–5.

Most prophetic prayers in the Old Testament are long and eloquent. You can read samples in Ezra 9:6–15, Nehemiah 9:6–37, Isaiah 25:1–12, Isaiah 38:9–20, Isaiah 64:1–12, Jeremiah 12:1–6 and Jeremiah 20:7–18.

As with any prophetic or prayerful expression, it is not the eloquence that is important but rather the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. After all, He does not always use words; He is the one who sometimes prays “with groanings too deep for words” (Rom. 8:26).

Yes, revelatory prayer can be incredibly powerful and effective.

It takes the believer outside the realm of information only and into a dimension of intercession with which they might be less familiar. The Holy Spirit leads you by the Spirit of wisdom and revelation to pray for people, events and, at times, even crisis circumstances in a manner that only He can guide and direct.

Prophetic prayer has been used by God’s generals in the past. Revelatory prayer is one of the weapons waiting to be used by God’s generals and His growing global prayer army today.

So, join me, and let’s enter into God’s heart so that we can pray His desires back to Him and see His kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven!

Let’s Pray Together

Father, in the name of Jesus, whose name is the mightiest of all names, we hunger to experience more prophetic diversity than we have ever before. Take the lid off of our thinking and expand our hearts to receive more of Your revelation and understanding and to know how to share it with others. You are the Creator, and we want to see You make something new in our lives.

We do not want to be limited to one model of prophetic expression but, rather, to become clay in Your hands, able to follow Your creative impulses. We want to see many pure and authentic manifestations of Your prophetic ways here and now. And lead us into effective ways of prophetic prayer for Jesus Christ’s sake and because of His love, we say amen! {eoa}

Note: This article has been adapted from Chapter 7 of James Goll’s book, The Prophet.

For the original article, visit

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