Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Surfing Over the Dark Waves of Life

Many of us have faced dark times in our lives personally and as a society in recent months. Death, financial problems, sickness and divorce have come to many.

There aren’t many who have not faced something. We need Jesus to help us overcome this world. Faith in Him becomes like a surfboard that gets us over the waves of destruction.

Recently, I was ministering to a young man who watched his father die. This boy’s father had a heart attack right in front of him and fell down on the floor. He turned purple and had no pulse. This left a real black mark on this young man’s life. It was a wave that came upon him, tossed him into the deep and caused him great trauma. Thankfully, that isn’t the way this story ends because Jesus intervened with resurrection power.

His sister who loved Jesus prayed for their dad, and he came back to life. But the boy was stuck now in his fear of dying. He constantly had panic attacks and fear because of what occurred. It paralyzed him. He couldn’t keep a job, and he didn’t know how to function without alcohol and drugs. Even though he grew up a Christian, he did not have the spiritual stamina nor the understanding of how to overcome this problem.

I prayed for him, and we got to the root of the trauma. He was delivered and set free. I listened to him sob and cry as the spirit of death that came upon him that day left him. Many of you are facing the same thing. My belief is that you will be delivered.

Listen to this broadcast of From the Mountaintop with Darren Canning titled Surfing Over the Dark Waves of Life, and find some keys to overcome in your life. You can overcome this through the power of the name and the blood of Jesus Christ. {eoa}

Darren Canning is a traveling minister and social media voice. He has been a forerunner in social media ministry, helping many to develop their ministries online. He has also gone to many nations preaching the gospel with signs and wonders following. He teaches people to live by faith and to believe God for the impossible.

To learn more about Darren Canning, visit If you sign up for his prophetic newsletter, you will receive a free digital copy of his book The Science of Prophetic Ministry.

You can connect with Darren on his YouTube channel where he hosts a prophetic broadcast with many guests. As you tune in at 7 p.m. EST, you will likely get a prophetic word. Or, connect with him on Facebook or Instagram @darrencanningministries.

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