Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Inauguration 2021: Where Do We Go From Here?

As our nation inaugurated President Biden and Vice President Harris, all of America is processing this transition in different ways. For the politically active Christian intercessor, there is a strong sense of loss and even mourning.

Has God abandoned us? Why did He not hear our prayers? Is our hope of justice in the land dashed? Will we ever have the hope of free and fair elections again? Is God less faithful than He was on Nov. 3?

For many, former President Trump and his administration represented hope for truth to be known, for justice to be served and for biblical values to be encouraged in our culture.

Now we are experiencing mainstream media and social media shutting out the truth in ways we never imagined. They are joined by the left’s political operation to wipe out and delegitimize anything former President Trump did. And we have the leaders of both the executive and legislative branches of our government who embrace most things antithetical to those of us with a biblical worldview.

Where do we go from here? How do we move forward? I would like to offer three points for you to consider:

  1. Correctly understand the sovereign will of God.
  2. Realize a revival did occur.
  3. Rest in our salvation.

And for more on how you can implement these points in your life, listen to Headline Prayer on the Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

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